Sunday, August 5, 2012

All World is a stage ....

Shakespeare had written ...
All World is a stage ....
And, we all are actors ....
Playing our roles.
The script is already written ....
We are just reading the dialogues ...
And playing our roles.
Some get good characters ...
Some get the hero's role ..
Some get the Heroine's role ...
Some play the Tragedy Queen.
We all have a part to play ...
You yours and I mine ...
We all need to act accordingly ...
We can't change what is fated ....
All we can do is ...
Give it our best shot.
We played the roles in ...
Mid Summer night's dream ....
We played it well ...
In The Merchant of Venice ....
We are still playing our roles ...
In the Greek tragedy ....
Taming of the Shrew ...
Being the best .....
Playing the part of Ariel ....
Singing the larky song ....
I remember Wordsworth ...
And  his lonely lass ....
Reaping and binding the grains....
then again, Frosts path to create ...
One of my own ...
I have miles to go before I sleep.
All World indeed is a stage ...
We are actors playing our roles.

When I am gone ....

When I am gone ....
When I vanish from the face of Earth ...
When I vaporize into thin air ....
When this mortal being doesn't exist ....
How will you traumatize further?

I shall leave this body ....
I shall leave this earth ...
I shall turn to ashes ...
Or, be the feed of fish ....
Whatever my fate be.....
How will you traumatize me further?

My heart says you shall regret what you did....
My head says forget it .... he won't ....
Common sense says ....
He will never know.

When I am gone ....
So many will rejoice ....
For I made their lives miserable ....
I made them see sense ....
Yet they chose to ignore it ...
Counsel given for free.

When I am gone ...
The birds and bees shall miss me ....
I know many ...
Who will genuinely miss me.
I know some ....
Who still miss me ....
I know ONE ....
Who really misses me ....
My Knight in shining armour ...
My Aviator ....
My beau ....
My first love ....
My last love ... too.

I know you are there for me ....
Always ....
Yet our paths are different ...
Our lives separate....
Yet you counsel me ...
Overlook all my mistakes.

My morning sunshine ....
My sunrise ....
My sunset too ... I guess.
My back up plan ....
As the last one quipped with jealousy....
Seeped in his voice.

When I am gone ...
I know ...
My life was worth living ...
Albeit for a short while ...
But a life well lived ...
And ...... on my terms.

He watches every move I make ...

He watches every move I make ....
Yes! he does ....
He keeps an eye on me ....
Always ....
I can feel the piercing gaze ....
Just like the first time he set his eyes upon me ....
He knows every thing ....
He can sense every decision I take ...
He knows me too well ...for comfort.

He knows what I am thinking ...
He knows what I will do ...
He just knows it ...
Our bonding was always at a higher level ...
It was always spiritual ....
A trance kind of state ....
A state where he knew every mood ....
He could handle me well ...
None other could do that ...
Today , I stand at the beach ...
Scratching sand with my toes ...
Coffee in my hand ...
A faraway look ....
Yet content with the feeling ...
That he still watches over me.

Thank you GOD for being there ...
Watching over me always.
You have never let me down ...
This time too ...
I know ...
You shall get me justice.

I am appalled ...

I am appalled ....
Shocked to say ...
But ....
She came to me ....
A sorry state to look at ....
With a baby in tow ...
Crying her heart out ....
Asking me to help her get justice ...
Speaking of four abortions ....
Asking to testify against him ...
Asking for proof against him ...
She took it all ...
I looked at the baby ....
Saw my own lost ones in her ...
I gave her everything ...
All the testimonials and proofs ....
And she turned tables ...
She was faking it all ...
She was only using the baby ...
To get proof against him ....
To use it to blackmail him ....
Just the way she used the baby....
To blackmail him into marrying her ...
Oh what a guileless, spineless ....
Woman she is ....
No shame ....
Using a baby to get a life of comfort.
Shame on her ....
Shame on motherhood...
She is a blotch to the word 'Mother'....
I cried looking at the baby ...
I did everything for the baby ...
Now, I wonder ....What will become of her ...
With such shameless characters as her parents ...
Such unscrupulous beings as her family ....
Her future is bleak ....
Sad! But, a glaring truth ....
Truth about our uncaring society ...
Very sad that the law keepers too ...
Turn a blind eye to such crimes...
A woman using her child ...
Like the beggars at traffic signals ...
Using babies to beg for a morsel of food.

I am appalled ...
Shocked to say ...
She is a blotch in the name of motherhood.

The High Priestess ...

She looks out the window ....
She sees a world diseased ....
Diseased in beliefs ...
Diseased in values ....
She sets out ....
To Cure the Diseases.

The High Priestess ...
The goal of her life visible ...
Crystal clear ....
Chaste in her mind ...
Pure in her heart ...
She steps out.

The Priestess who sold her Red Swift ....

My World ...
A beautiful world to live in ...
Yet I chose to give it up ....
I sold my Red Swift ...
And, am on my way to higher grounds...
Places where no one has ever been ...
Climb every Mountain ...
Cross every River ...
Explore the Deserts ...
Swim across the Oceans ...
Time to shear the mane ....
Time to cut off all ties ...
Time to move on in search of ....
The light that eludes me.

I am the High Priestess ...
The Priestess who shuns it all ...
The Priestess who moves on ....
In search of herself ....
And the ultimate truth.

Am in a state of bliss ...
Pure bliss ...
A state of Nirvana ...
Am in a state where ...
I can see miracles happening ....
Just a thought ...
And it just happens.
A gift by the supreme being ...
A gift to share ...
So, I move on ....
For the downtrodden wait ...
Wait upon me ....
To better their lives ...
To save the World...
To make it  a better place to live in.
Yes, I have sold my Red Swift ...
I have given the money in charity ...
Let the poor rejoice ...
Let the meek feel mighty.

The Priestess sold her Red Swift ...
The Priestess on her way out ....
Awaits the World for miracles ...
She has it all in her kitty.

The lives we lead ...

Wow to us for the lives we lead....
Wow to others for the dread that drives their lives ...
What a life we all lead ..
One moment happy ... and ...
The other moment separated from life itself.

One moment two people are together ...
And the next moment ...
They are the worst of enemies....
At each others throats....
Living separate lives ...
Wondering how all this happened.

One moment ....
In just one moment ....
A man turns into a monster ....
Some godforsaken woman just turns up somewhere howling ...
You lend her a helping hand ....
She turns out to be a worst monster than him ....
Using an innocent child to get what she wants ...
Emotional blackmail is her forte' ....
And she stabs you in the back.
No wonder ...
No wonder he is so unhappy with her ...
But he has no choice ...
He is afraid of her ....
She is blackmailing him ....
But for how long?

Doesn't matter ....
It is his decision to stick it out with her ...
To lead a life of dissent...
I have learnt not to trust him anymore ...
I move on ...
Leaving him and the forsaken one to their devices.

We all have our lives to lead ...
Mountains to climb ...
Heights to reach...
Our dreams become our reality ...
Our actions speak louder than words.

The lives we lead ...
The path we tread upon ...
Decisions that we take ...
All our own.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Rights ...

We have a right to our own opinions ...
You and I ...
Whether it is your side of the coin or mine.
I express mine in my own way ...
You do yours your way ...
We are all different ....
Aren't we?
That is what sets us apart ...
I lead my life on my terms ...
I don't need you to counsel me ....
And your opinion doesn't matter...
You had your say ...
I shall say mine.
If my statements involve your name ...
It is because you were instrumental in that event taking place ....
So why bother ?
You should have thought of all the repercussions....
Before playing with my life at least.
I don't take things lying down ...
I stand upright for justice ...
I don't use my loved ones ...
I create my own path.
We all have our decisions to make ...
We all have our ideals to follow...
We all have our lives to lead...
We all have our point to make ...
We all have our justifications...
We have a right to our speech.
My life isn't bound to yours ...
But, I am bound to my experiences ...
To get justice or express...
Whatever I do ...
I have every right to do.
I don't need to take your permission for the same ....
You live your life ...
Do not tread upon mine.