Friday, March 9, 2012

The Awakening... Lying awake on the soft mattress

Lying awake on the soft mattress....
I dwell upon what I have been through...
All I come up with is a great experience....
Experience that life's ups and downs ....
Has taught me.

Experiences good and bad.....
Experiences I grew into....
Experiences that gave me a jolt...
Experiences that woke me up.

Lying awake on the soft mattress...
I remember and reread the script of my life...
Relive the experiences....
The reels just whirring ....
Images flitting past.....
I remember long forgotten....
Friends and foes.....
Long done deeds ....
Days, months  and years....
Just roll past....
And a tear trickles down my cheek.

Lying awake on the soft mattress...
All alone...
Yes, the fledglings have grown into birds....
And taken flight....
The Mother bird lies awake...
All alone in a nest not her own....
The Awakening taking place.

It's that time in life...
When you just let go....
When you pack your bags and move on...
The lake here has dried up...
Migrate to the other end.

The Awakening ....
That one comes alone...
And, one goes alone...
Even in a crowd...
One is always alone.

People join in and leave midway....
They come with their experiences...
Share a few moments with you....
And, move on...Just the way you do.

It's that time of the year...
When I shed the old and don the new.
The Awakening has begun...
The wings are getting stronger...
All set to fly again...
Soar high in the sky....
In search of a new abode.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The vastness of my passion....

The vast expanse of humanity....
Beckons me....
Come Hither and take charge....
Take charge of our little ones...
I leave all....
And astride my mare of ideas....
Gallop forth and take charge.

The vastness of my passion...
The emptiness of my soul...
Filled with the laughter ...
Of the little ones....
Etched with memoirs of unabashed smiles...
Scratched deep with crinkly eyes...
Reach out to the little hands...
Right across the room.

Sweet little beings...
Someone else's babies...
All mine to nurture and care for...
All mine to polish and bring up...
With values and education that's right.

All mine, alright!
The vastness of my passion runs deep...
The depth encompasses all...
Come hitherto little ones...
Let's dance and groove together.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Restless Soul....

Am up and about...
Pottering around the home....
Surfing the net....
Thinking a billion thoughts ...
At the same time...
The restless soul that I am...
Restless sure I am.

At this hour...
When all and sundry is asleep...
I pour my hearts content out...
Seeped in pain....
Elaborate and a bit bore ....
Yet, full of hope...
The restless soul that I am.

Turmoil within...
A thousand and one apprehensions...
A million questions....
Countless desires....
The restless soul that I am.

They tell me I am crazy...
They call me names....
I don't care.....
I live on my terms...
My life is my own....
Which direction I take....
Is my decision all my own.

I am not naive...
Nor am I cunning....
I give relentlessly...
I desire none anymore....
There's so much to explore...
So much insight to gain....
The restless soul within...
Crying to gain recognition.

A nod of the head...
A blink of the eye....
A silent look....
In the vacant eyes...
A sly smile....
Wrinkled eyes...'
Crinkled eyes...
A twitching nose....
The restless soul within.

The restless soul...
Soul at rest when will it be....
Maybe the grave there is for me...
Let me make it my size.

The end of an affair...

It is the end of an affair....
The beginning of a new dawn....
Life moves on.... day goes on....
Not a trace of the pain to show....
Not a wince of ache.....
All is hunky dory outside....
A bleeding heart within.

The end of an affair......
The onset of inhibitions...
Suspicious eyes....
Lest the heart ache happens again....
No more smiles to give...
No more gay laughter...
Days of abandoned fear have begun...
Complications anew.

Trust turned into mistrust....
Screwed up life to begin....
A life never lived without pain...
Guess that's what is my fate.

Every time I promise myself....
Not again... not again....
Every time I make the same mistake....
All over again.

This life is not for me to live...
Over and over again....
I have to take take things serious...
Else will be lost again.
This time it's over for the nth time...
This time it's for good...
No more pain...
No more waiting...
The angel of death is waiting.
Hovering above my head...
Taking digs at me ...'Waiting...
What is it waiting for....
End my miseries soon...
Can't take the ache no more....
It's gone too far.

The end of an affair....
The affair of life....
Time to preen my wings....
And soar again above.
Playing the game....
Of hide and seek no more...
I soar up high in the sky...
Clashing swords with deathly whore....
Who can't wait no more.
I soar higher....
It beckons me....
I look down with desire....
There's none there for me.
I leap forth ....
A cry of war clenched teeth within...
Sigh! I wake up and ....
There is reeking stench within...
A stench so strong...
So empowering...
The stench of death....
The death of an affair...
The end of an affair.

Friday, March 2, 2012

It was never meant to be....

It was never meant to be..
Yet, it's there....
A deep down feeling...
He is out there somewhere...
Waiting for me....
And, here I am...
Waiting for his return...
The sparklers of the festival ...
Waiting to be lit...
The sparkle to return...
Yet, I know....
He will never return.

It was never meant to be...
Two different people....
Two differently abled people...
Came together at a juncture...
Only to part ways at another...
The bond wasn't thick enough ....
To sustain the distance...
The long distance...
It became a heavy burden....
A burden made light by broken ties....
A bond made in heaven...
For the separation was physical...
Never emotional....
They bonded at a different level...
The bond for the World to see....
Melted away...
Yet the subconscious bond remained.

It was never meant to be...
Yet, it happened and survived...
Now only unspoken love...
Written words that are read in silence ...
A sigh escaping ...
At the thought of...
What could have been....
Yet, It just was never meant to be.

It just was never meant to be...
It could never be.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Yes, I have a severe hangover...
A spillover from last night's party....
A  celebration of life...
A choice of friends...
A hangover of days of yore.

Childhood fantasies relived...
Childhood places revisited...
Childhood sweethearts remembered...
A childhood well lived and relived.

Old friends...
The new can't replace...
A bond deepened with time....
Time did we...
But we came together again ...
And, again we bonded well...
No expectations...
Just plain friendship....
Planetary signs showing...
Love of life....
Life living itself...
Yes, a hangover of life...
A life well lived and relived.

Liquor flowed like water,
Tears kept at bay.....
Food relished with zeal and zest....
Tastes secured.
A hangover of sweetness of the time...
A time well spent...
A time spent dwelling upon....
The wonder years of yore.

Yes, I am hungover...
I have a hangover...
Yet, I am game...
Looking forth to ....
Beautiful days to come.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A very bad joke...

It was a joke....
A very bad joke!
I should have known...
From experience....
You are all hulla bulloo about nothing....
You are nothing...
Just another drop in the ocean.

I could have gone further...
Waited more...
I didn't...
Good! I didn't...
Today the picture is clearer...
Crystal clear...
All you wanted was the fortune...
Not love or compassion...
All you craved for was just needs...
Needs to be fulfilled...
Am not a wet nurse...
Am not here to pamper you...
I have my dreams to follow....
My beliefs to believe in...
You are history...
A page I would like to delete .....
Delete from my mind...
Delete from my thoughts...
All you did was give pain...
Nothing but pain....
Ebbing, waxing and waning pain.

A very bad joke indeed...
You played with my emotions...
You ruined my life..
A past I need to erase...
You ....
You .....
And, only YOU!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It was just a design.....

It was just a design...
A hope for a new beginning....
It took wings and I set sail.....
Deep into the oblivion....
It's dark in here...
Am groping...
Somewhere deep down ....
A sense of apprehension....
A sigh of relief....
Finally, I have overcome my demons....
Finally, I have come of my own.....
Finally, am there where I wanted to be............
Is it so? Really?

Not yet....
I have countless miles to traverse...
Many more hurdles to cross......
Speed breakers to break the tempo.......
Yet, am game.........
Am not alone....
My army follows me everywhere....
Follows my lead.........
Am the unsung hero of my ballad...
Am the tragedy Queen of my movie...
I am game for an Oscar......
Coz' I know, I deserve it.

In the award ceremony of life...
I stand tall to receive.....
What is to be mine ....
Ultimately, the mother of all awards...
Heavenly bliss....
A ground reality...
Mine to achieve....
On my own....
A lonely traveller....
Not yet tired....
Of dealing with the scum of the World...
Not yet worn out.....
There is still some chutzpah left in me..........
There is still life breathing within me......
Am all set to break the barrier....
Am all game for the gamble....
The great gambler that I am....
Playing all my cards at once....
Spreading them open on the table...
Am sure to win....
That's the spirit that eggs me on...
Join me in my endeavour....
Join me for success....
Stunning success.....
Join me for pure ecstasy.....
Join me in  my quest.
It was just a design...
The creator made me....
Moulded me.....
Am all set... Baked and ready.....
Am the perfect design....
No moulds for me....
Just chisel and hammer...
A whole lot of hardwork for almighty.....
Yet, perfection personified.

It was just a design...
And, lo behold!...
The Lord held me....