Saturday, March 3, 2012

Restless Soul....

Am up and about...
Pottering around the home....
Surfing the net....
Thinking a billion thoughts ...
At the same time...
The restless soul that I am...
Restless sure I am.

At this hour...
When all and sundry is asleep...
I pour my hearts content out...
Seeped in pain....
Elaborate and a bit bore ....
Yet, full of hope...
The restless soul that I am.

Turmoil within...
A thousand and one apprehensions...
A million questions....
Countless desires....
The restless soul that I am.

They tell me I am crazy...
They call me names....
I don't care.....
I live on my terms...
My life is my own....
Which direction I take....
Is my decision all my own.

I am not naive...
Nor am I cunning....
I give relentlessly...
I desire none anymore....
There's so much to explore...
So much insight to gain....
The restless soul within...
Crying to gain recognition.

A nod of the head...
A blink of the eye....
A silent look....
In the vacant eyes...
A sly smile....
Wrinkled eyes...'
Crinkled eyes...
A twitching nose....
The restless soul within.

The restless soul...
Soul at rest when will it be....
Maybe the grave there is for me...
Let me make it my size.

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