Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Yes, I have a severe hangover...
A spillover from last night's party....
A  celebration of life...
A choice of friends...
A hangover of days of yore.

Childhood fantasies relived...
Childhood places revisited...
Childhood sweethearts remembered...
A childhood well lived and relived.

Old friends...
The new can't replace...
A bond deepened with time....
Time did we...
But we came together again ...
And, again we bonded well...
No expectations...
Just plain friendship....
Planetary signs showing...
Love of life....
Life living itself...
Yes, a hangover of life...
A life well lived and relived.

Liquor flowed like water,
Tears kept at bay.....
Food relished with zeal and zest....
Tastes secured.
A hangover of sweetness of the time...
A time well spent...
A time spent dwelling upon....
The wonder years of yore.

Yes, I am hungover...
I have a hangover...
Yet, I am game...
Looking forth to ....
Beautiful days to come.

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