Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fools Paradise...

I seem to live in a fools paradise....
A lost sense of hopeless hope...
A deep felt regret of things gone awry...
A sense of relief at letting go a few.....
I live in a fools paradise indeed.

No matter what I believe....
The crux of the matter is that.....
I am the loser at the end of it all....
Giving all of myself ....
In return for slavery and pain and aches....
I live in a fools paradise after all.

People pulling my leg....
Making a  fool out of me...
Telling lies, that belie the truth of their intentions...
I am surely a fool...
To fall for such crap....
A fool indeed in fools paradise.

No amount of sane advise from well wishers worked...
No witches hair or magic potions...
All that I was left with was....
A soul bereft of all emotions...
A fools heart....
Believing and hoping fervently....
That all that was just a nightmare....
A mirage ...
A fool indeed.

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