Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Real Man ...

He who claims to be a Real Man ...
Is he really  Real?
Is he really a Man?
Is he really a  Real Man?

So easy to refer to oneself...
As being a Real Man ...
When reality speaks something else ...
Your actions define you ...
And, they in no way ...Point towards you being Real ...
Leave alone a Man for that matter.

I know, these words will hurt you ...
Am hurting too ...
But, this is the Real truth about you.

A real man never ...
Never I repeat ...
Evokes feelings in a woman ...
And, then tells her he loves another.
No, he doesn't hurt anyone ...
Leave alone his own hurting heart.

A Real man ...
Never hurts the others feelings ...
On the onset he tells her who he is ...
What he is ...
\What his take is on life ...
Whom he waits upon ...
Rather than making her dream ...
And, then dropping her like hot cake ...
As he isn't sure of himself ....
If you aren't sure of yourself ...
How can you be a Real Man?

How Real are you?
Really ... Just look in the mirror and ask yourself.

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