Monday, May 5, 2014

Hurting ...

Yes , she is hurting ,,,
Not because he used and left her ... But, she the good friend ...
Was the precursor of it all ...
And, stepped back rather ...
Than being there for her ...
A cowardly move ...
By a friend , she vouched for always.

The hurt made her hard ...
Bitter and foul mouth ...
Spewing venom at them all ...
The hurt swelling in size ...
Enveloping all in its wake ...
A Tsunami of sorts ...
That swept their World away.

Her hurt knows no bounds ...
She caged herself to get over the aches and pains...
A bleary World to be ensconced in ...
Doubting all approaches ...
Deleting relations ...
Shrinking in her cocoon ...
She watches silently ...
She hurts in silence.

A life once again trampled upon ..
A feeling distorted ...
Faith in friendship shaken ...
She hurts for the treachery left her shaken within.

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