Monday, May 26, 2014

Hiccups or Hiccoughs? Decide ...

When the past comes a recalling ...
What do we get?
Hiccups or Hiccoughs?

A state where devoid of aqua...
Unsatiated ...
Uninitiated we begin ...
Demanding as is nature ...
We burn the bridges ...
Yet turn around to see ...
If the one left behind is following ...
Why ?
Why these hiccups?
Why these emotional impediments on the road ahead?
Why don't we just let go ?
Why don't we move on?

A cough so painful ...
We endure everyday for the rest of our lives ...
The ache of a broken heart.

Now is the time to decide ...
Whether it is this relation we want?
Is this what we desire?
Is this the person we want to spend ...
The rest of our lives with?

Let not,
Our thoughts...Tear us to smithereens....
For want of a yes from the loved one ...
For they need to kill ...
The demons within them first.

Decide ... O' Dear!
What it is that you want?
You can't play with her emotions...
You can't leave her high and dry ...
That is just not fair ...
To hurt someone ...
Who has written her life away ...
In your name.

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