Saturday, May 17, 2014

Culling the desire ...

The moment of reckoning ...
When what you desire ...
Clashes with sense and sensibilities ...
A line to be drawn ...
Decisions to be taken ...
Silence to be maintained ...
So that you don't hurt anyone ...
Anymore ...
You don't hurt Anymore.

Culling what you want ...
Uproot the desires ...
Pour acid over wants ...
Pluck the feather of feelings out ...
Knocking the head off ...
In one stroke ... all gone ...
Nothing left ...
To turn back upon ...
All ties severed ...
So all can live in peace ...
Be at peace yourself ...
So be it attitude ...
Kill the very desire ...
That makes you human ...
Kill all feelings ...
Cull the devil ...
Nip it in the bud.

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