Monday, May 19, 2014

The early morning Dew ...

The early morning dew ...
That is you ...
The very thought brings ...
A smile to the tired lips ...
Face brightens up ...
Grinning from ear to ear ...
At your relentless effort ...
I know...
I have nothing to fear.

I am secure in the thought ...
That you are always there ...
I know now...
That you will be there always.

My day starts with you ...
My day ends with you ...
You remain with me throughout ...
My thoughts are embedded with your thoughts...
Your dreams are mine too now.

I dedicate my life to you ...
In all humbleness ...
With nips and knotty times ..
Guaranteed ...
Yet, fun and frolic in place ...
This life is all yours henceforth ...
Come what may.

You are the early morning dew ...
Fresh  in nature...
You are the last residue in my mind.

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