Monday, June 2, 2014

Quantitatively qualitative analysis of emotions ...


The very bane of human existence or for that matter a definite expression of what one feels within.
Whatever be, they wreak havoc on us if not positive or they make our World seem brighter when positive.

Who decides the nature of Emotions? Negative or positive ... the dosage that one ought to get of this myriad collection of data that defines our behaviour.

Who quantifies the quality that needs to be exhibited by the species called Humans?

How much of emotions is needed for our existence, co existence or even to bring about our extinction from the face of Earth?

A constant query in our minds... a veritable Pandora's Box all set to be opened and exposed. Emotions , they can make us or break us. They rule our lives. Good or bad, they shape us, our thoughts and our personalities. No one can be pried away from this boon or bane. WE all suffer in the hands of emotions. The level differs from person to person depending on our capacity to take on the pain or joy.

Generally, we tend to be more prone to the negative effects. How to negate the effect of pain and the ache felt by us? How to overlook the happiness that envelopes us when something happens for our good? 

But, quantifying the quality is difficult. He who has written our destinies, our part in the script of life has already decided the amount of emotions and the types that we feel.

Looking from an observer's point of view, All I see  is a hilarious situation, where though one wants to cry, one smiles through the pain for one knows not what comes net in the script of her life. Why make moments happen, only to take them away? Why make people meet , only to separate them because someone else isn't happy in their happiness? Why give pain to some and joy to others? Why this in-equilibrium?

There isn't a set answer. There ain't no solution. For the Scriptwriter has his or her idiosyncrasies and does as he pleases ... so to say has to balance it out; so gives a few all. and none to others.

Not an easy task I guess, for the One that wears the Crown of the Supreme Power. His/ Her dilemma quite evident, so just numb the feelings, don't express and walk on like a Zombie  unaffected by the throes and chaos of the World we live in. 

Yup! Easier said than done. No one can Quantitatively set a Quality for emotions ... for it is a part of our Destiny already written. 

Is there anyone who will change this destiny? Who has the courage to fight the almighty to get what he or she wants? I know, am a fighter and have always fought for it , but where to find someone who too believes in the same ethos?

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