Saturday, June 28, 2014

The musings of a Criminal Mind ...

Learning to come to terms ...
With ones disabilities...
Coming to terms with ...
Our apprehensions ...
Our troubles ...
Our dreams  shattered ..
Our dreams realised ...
How far do we go to ....
Get what we desire?
How far is far enough ?
Or, close enough?
The wound that doesn't heal ...
The heart knows not why...
It aches for the joy...
That is not within your reach ...
Why do we want ...
What is not meant to be?

A heart that wants more ...
A mind that conspires to get it ...
Is it criminal to desire?
Is it wrong to conspire ?
Is it not meant to be?
Why can't we make it happen?

Ah! The thoughts of villainy ...
The musings ...
Of a Criminal Mind ...
Is it wrong to love unconditionally?
Am out of the dark ages of sorrow ...
Am all for the light at the end of the Tunnel ...
But, when does the journey end?

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