Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Love Bug Returns ...

Full Swing!

A total turn about of 360 Degrees, The Love Bug Returns to bug me again.

No, am not averse to welcoming it back in my life , but am afraid of losing it  for destiny doesn't seem to have remembered to put Love in my kitty.

The dilemma is , should I or shouldn't I commit myself to the cardinal sin again. Eternal dilemma it seems as seconds tick by and I desperately want to be hugged by the bug.

Looking hither tither , Mind wandering through a meandering course of Yes and Nos; I seek divine intervention. Let me not sin O' Lord , but I too deserve happiness, for I too deserve joy, For I too deserve insurmountable true love.

But, then I look back upon my past and I know, what sin another committed to make me come to such a state, I should not commit myself .... for a lot of lives are affected, innocent ones lose their childhood, Faithful ones become infidel and bitter.

No, I prefer my solitude and reclusive life to the basic instinct of selfish Love. let the Bug pass by , am content in the knowledge that He truly loved me , loves me and shall love me forever. Forgive me the sin of the thought of committing a sin for I shall sin never; the Bug can crave but never be satisfied , that is the very epitome of True Love, one that sacrifices for the better of another.

Our Love shall grow fonder and stronger but never weaker and cheaper.

The Love Bug Returns , only to be turned away...

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