Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Shrewd Intelligence ... Crude Emotions ...

Prudent thoughts ...
An intellectual with a mind of his own ...
Dabbling in the Green matter ...'Laundering Black to white ...
Shrewd crude mind ...
All about money over matters of the heart.

All about making a career ...
Losing out on life's small pleasures...
The real investment in humanity ...
In relations, forgotten ...
A shrewd man indeed.

At the onset of Sunset ...
He realizes ...
By then , it is just too late...
For he has missed the Train ...
Travelling on a flight of fantasy.

No one knows him better ...
Than the one betrothed to him eons ago ...
The one he rejected over the Green matter ...
The one who watches his every move.
The damsel moved on ...
A slight waxing and waning still persistent ...
The feelings rekindled by his visit ...
She wonders whether to stand tall and walk away ....
Or give in to human emotions ...
And, give him the chance he forsook.

Ah! Life comes one full circle ...
We meet the dear departed ones ...
Sometime or another ...
We need that respite from the daily grind ...
And really unwind.

Shrewd Intelligence ...
Crude Emotions....
Is all in the crux of the matter ...
The natter and bickering ...
The possessive inclination ...
All gone for a toss.

Shrewd mind ...
Shrewder heart ...
Taming which is a big task.

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