Wednesday, August 14, 2013

There's no one at the Top ...

It is lonely at the top ..
There is no one at the Top ...
One goes through trials and tribulations...
To reach a destination ...
The train journey ends ...
At a Station...
At the top ..
Where there is none to share the happiness ...
Of having reached the End.It is lonely at the Top ...
When you look behind ..
There is no one there ...
All left behind in living a life of your choice ...
No one at all ...
Just an eerie silence follows you ...
Ghosts of the past come up...
And whisper in your ear ..
This is what you chose ...
And, You look ahead and smile ...
Yeah! This is what I chose ..
No one but me at the Top ....
I smile a cynical grin ...
There's no one at the Top ..
Just me .. An Evil Grin spreads across my lips ...
And I move on further still ..
Amongst the clouds ...
All by myself.

It is lonely ...
But, I like my space ...
I love my solitude.

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