Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I want to break free ...

I want to break free ...
From the belief that I am perfect....
I want to break free ...
From the belief that I can't cry ...
I want to break free ...
From the shackles of a perfect life.
I want to break free and be reborn ...
I want to walk away ...
from responsibilities ...
I want to be free from being a Woman ...
I just want to BE.

How can I ?
When they all depend on me ...
No one is indispensable ...
Yet, this feeling ... What if ...
What if I walk away ...
Who will Run the School ?
What if I run away...
Who will take care of my kids?
This chain of What ifs is killing me slowly ...
I feel so claustrophobic ...
Hound by thoughts of freedom ...
Freedom from Human bondage ...
Freedom from being Ms. Perfect.
Haunted by statements of endearment ...
I run helter skelter ...
Trying to keep these loving voices out...
I want to break free from being humane.

Why can't I just walk away?
Why do I turn back and return?
Why can't I be emotionless?
Why Can't I break free?

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