Thursday, August 15, 2013

That Moment When ...

That Moment when ...
You so lovingly removed that twig from my hair ...
I looked into your eyes ...
All I saw was Love ...
I knew it ...
No one can love me as much ...
That was the closest ...
I have ever ...
Been near you ...
But, Still ...
I Love you.

I couldn't believe it ...

When you said ...
Let's go house hunting ...
Your house ...
Yet you wanted me there ...
For my opinion....
I felt enamoured ...
It was so much fun ...
Looking up flats ...
Together with you ...
So much importance ....
I love you.

The other day ...
When you rushed up to greet me ...
Gosh! I lost my breath ...
I was surprised ...That you would rush up ....
To meet me ...
I couldn't contain my joy.

I can't look you in the eye ...
Lest you see my love ...
For you there ...
So I always look away ....
I don't want to tell you ...
I love you ...
For I don't want to ....
Ever lose you.

I never let you see my emotional side ...
You see me as Strong...
Yet you are my weakness ...
Oh How I wish ..
I could profess my love ...
My feelings to you ...
But, I can't ....
I don't want to lose you.

Just one random act ....
The twig incident ,,,,
Brought in the realisation ...
That I love you.

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