Monday, August 19, 2013

There's a lot ...

There's a lot to be written about...
There's a lot to be spoken about ...
There's a lot ...
To be inferred from ...
There's a lot to think about ...
There's a lot ...
Yet, so little to achieve.

What's there to think about?
It is all in the past they say.
They say, forget and forgive ...
They say move on ..
But, is it so easy to do so?
Is it so easy to forget an incident,
That changed the course of your life?
Is it so easy to forget the person...
Who made you lose your self esteem?
Is it so easy to forget ...
The chain of events that followed?
Is it?...

Lot of anger....
Bottled within ...
Lot of pain withheld ...
Lots to spill out ...
Lots to tell about.


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