Monday, August 19, 2013

The Love - Hate Relation we share now ...

The Love that once was ...
Has turned into hatred ...
A Love - Hate Relation...
We Share ... You and I ...
The dark nights remind me ...
Of the Knight you posed as ...
A shadow of your true self ...
Lay exposed to me ...
A fanatic for lust galore ...
You seek women day and night ...
To satisfy your loneliness ...
Your ego and alter ego ...
But, in doing so...
Do you realize what you do those women?

You put the blame on me ...
Whereas it was the other way round ..
you were playing with my feelings ...
Another fish in your net.

I want an answer ...
An answer to the blasphemy ...
Of your mask ...
your Reality ...
And, who you are.

It is Love that stops me from taking action ...
It is hate that makes me expose you ...
Hatred for the person you are ...
Hatred for the fake character role you play.

You ask me what I want...
I seek Justice....
Justice from your opinionated version of me ...
An explanation for all the promises broken.

The Love - Hate relation will continue ....

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