Thursday, August 22, 2013

Lynched Words ...

What worth is a Writer for ...
If their words are curbed ...
What worth is a Wordsworth...
If his poem is cut short?

My words you have slashed ...
like my wrist ...
A bleeding Heart ...
Shall write no more of love.

The bloodbath of my story ...
The Gory end to my Lovetales.

By deleting my words ...
I have committed Harakairi ...
All for your senseless Love ...
All to please ...
Your false alter ego.

You can not destroy ...
What is within me ...
It is mine to keep ...
Keep your false social taboos to yourself ..
I shall forever love you.

Lynched words ... you are the Hangman ....
But, feelings not deleted ...
They are mine and ONLY mine to keep.

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