Saturday, August 6, 2011

Confused confessions..... Dawning upon me...

I am always getting confused.....
A state of affair since I gained consciousness...
I guess, am always getting lost....
In meandering gullies and lanes...
And in the travails of life.

Confused confessions to make ...
Confusion to create....
Mirages to blow over....
Like inflated balloons to pop over....
A bursting medley of popcorn emotions....
Gone down the gullet in a jiffy....
A vanishing act seldom seen...
In sound minds ...
And awakened souls.

Confessions today,,,
Coz' the lady has been unjust to herself....
A long long time...
It's time to bring in some joy.....
To usher in illumination....
A brilliance  desired.....
A flame rekindled.

A living hell...
If Pandora's box is opened...
Confessions can singe your skin...
Burn your flesh...
The roasting smell overbearing...
A very rotten sight to see.

Let the confessions be... Lady...
This ain't the right time to let it all out...
Wait... bide your time...
Don't lose sleep over someone....
Who has no time for you....
But, yes give the new dawn a chance....
Which brings a smile to your tired lips.

Dawning upon me ....
Is a confession ...
My heart has to make....
Should I make it now...
Or, wait for the right time....
If it is to ever come....?
Confused confession.....Dawning upon me.....

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