Monday, December 31, 2012

This Christmas ...

Yeah! This Christmas ... I gave you my heart ...
I gave you my soul ...
I gave you my word ...
Nothings gonna change that for us ...
I am sure ...
You are sure ...
What the heck does it matter ...
If the world is unsure ....
I care about you ...
I love you ...
Am there for you ...
Beyond that promise ...
What else can I give you?

Know me ...
Know me better ...
This is me ...
All for you ...
We haven't met ...
Yet we feel ...
So intensely 'bout each other ...
Does it matter what they feel? ....
No, it doesn't ...
So, why worry ...
Let's not hurry ...
Just slowly ...
Love each other ....
Till eternity.
If there be another life ...
It's betrothed to you ...
You know it well ...
I need not dispel ...
Your feelings ...
Or Quell your fears ...
I am there ...
Now and forever ...
Even in our next life ...
If it comes of being ...
This Christmas and all the coming years ...
I am there as you are there for me.

Love you Papa Bear ...
Goldilocks really loves you.

Suddenly ...

Suddenly, a feeling ....
A feeling of guilt ...
Of remorse ...
Can't say why ...
But it has infused my mind ...
Should I have bitten into the chocolate ...
The forbidden vice ...
I shouldn't have ...
Not good for me at all ...
Not good for the dental makeup ...
Nor good for the lipid retention ability ...
Of my waistline ...
Not good for the high it gives ...
Making me more active than usual ...'Sleepless nights followed ...
No, the forbidden fruit shouldn't have been bitten into....
It would lead to reactions of rejection ...
A sadness filling my being ...
When the after effects are gone ...
The lows felt when the chocolate...
The forbidden fruit is gone from existence ...
From my being ...
Suddenly .... The guilt pangs ....
Suddenly, a feeling of remorse ...
Am not game for having any more Chocolates...
New Year's Resolution ...
Go forbidden fruit ...
Ye go, into your basket forever ...
Go Sinful Chocolate ...
Get back into the pod from ye come forth ....

As the Year Ends ...

As the Year Ends ... when I look back ... I see a different ME at the beginning and a whole new ME today.
What a drastic change from someone who trusted blindly to a person who doesn't trust anymore.

What made ME who I am? No, not someone per se, but circumstances ....My decisions gone awry ... Blind trust and faith .... catapulted by deceive ... deceit and fowl play ... in Business and in life.

But, towards the end, today am happy ... am an evolved being ... Success at a cost but nevertheless; Success with my Loved ones beside me and a whole new World waiting to embrace me. The New year will see me busier, with little or no time for my beloveds but yes happier doing what I do best and giving them the best that life has to offer on Earth.

I shall be travelling more often, infact living out of the suitcase will be the new mantra for the coming times...
Always on the move living my dream of Travelling and enjoying life to the hilt. A life chosen solely by me ... Leaving all care to the wind... Absolving myself of all the responsibilities and moving on to newer roles to play. Living my dreams and aspirations ... no expectations ... on the move with few essentials ... moving towards greener pastures and environs ... friends and foes left behind ... a World to explore ... new ventures to capitalise upon.

Without doubt ... A new adventure begins .. with new friends in tow and newer horizons to conquer.

Looking back I can quip ... I had a life well lived ... where the last year saw me losing hope in loved ones ; it brought me closer to my family and the real people in my life, some left behind , some caught up with me and brought a smile back on my lips. I found a strength within me; I knew not of ... I found my roaring self ... silent yet strong ... I realised being a woman is no joke ... a woman of substance with strong values and stronger resolve.

My long lost family was found ... Found a voice in their support ... Found MYSELF ... Found my Destiny.
The never ending search began and continues ... coz' life can't be a fullstop ... It's a question mark.

As the year ends ... I look back and wave a goodbye to the old self and welcome the new ME ... Wholeheartedly.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Once upon a time ...

Once upon a time ... A damsel in distress got lost in a concrete jungle ... in the waves of technology she found solace but was lost there too ... along came a Knight ... a Knight in shining armour and whisked her away ... to his land ... His World ... a paradise where he kept her under his watchful eyes ... loving her.... caring for her .... a world where none could harm her ... Her paradise ... His World.

The World and all its cares left behind ... They lived happily .... As long as the World lived ... their story became a legend ... For generations to come ... Some say it's a myth ... some say just a story ... But aren't all Love stories somebody's stories? ... Where do you get the literature for that?

The Knight and his Dame .. dared to live their lives together ... they dared the society and all its taboos and rules ... Prohibitions and narrow orthodox thoughts ... They lived through it all ...  They lived life Kingsize .... The King and His Queen.

Their loved ones accepted what was ... for they saw the passion and its intensity ... the fiery emotions and the resolve ... Come what may ... A story with a happy ending ... A story to be written about.

Ting Tong !!!! I am shaken from my reverie ... A dream with open eyes ... A good story ... But, all in thoughts and imagination ... What else do you expect from a Creative Writer ? Answer... STORIES ....
Am a Wordsmith ... I weave a web of words ... Believing is your prerogative .... Spinning is mine.

Once Upon a Time ...

All I Know ...


Loving you is all I know now ...
None other can touch me ...
Nor my soul ...
Betrothed to you ... am bound by my love ...
Sheer contrast to what I was ...
What I could be ...
Am smitten yet again by the Love Bug.

Knowing you ...
Your feel for freedom ...
Your take on freedom ...
Yet, I enslave myself in your love ...
Ensnared by your loving gaze ...
Ensconed in your arms.

O' Papa Bear!
I just love you ...
You make love seem so simple ...
So uncomplicated ...
Am deeply engrossed in your thoughts ...
Hooked on to the nectar of your love.

I love you Papa Bear ....
Love you a lot ...
Immensely, deeply ...
I feel you next to me ...
Just pure projection of pure love.

All I know is loving you ... Papa Bear...

Reflections ... Internalization ...

Mirror  Mirror on the Wall ... No not the fairest of them all ... but show me what I have gone through and how have I grown from my experiences?

The mirror says ... Come let's go on this journey together ...

We move back in time ... time doesn't lie ...

I see a shy little toddler clutching on to her mother's saree going to school ....

I see an introvert child .... happy in a beautiful seaside sleepy island .... going to a beautiful Preschool ... memories that can never be erased and that have shaped my today....

I see a giggling girl, busy making clay dolls and play things ... playing alone ... catching butterflies and insects ... earthworms ... caterpillars ... Playing all alone ...

I see a beautiful teenager ... immersed in books ... tinkering with gadgets ... inventing new ones ... living in a World of her own ...

Youth saw the girl blossom ... flower into a mesmerizing angel of love ... But, still "Touch me not" ...

Middle age sees a lady ... Spirited in thoughts and deeds moving full steam ahead ... Single in her endeavour to bring about a change ... Still Single but proudly standing tall ....

The baby skin giving way to fine wrinkles ... yet in those lines you can see a fighting spirit ... of a quiet child to a woman of substance.... A silent stride ... away from limelight .... away from mayhem and noise ... A world of dreams and aspirations ... of creativity ... A beautiful beautiful World of tomorrow ... A legacy to leave behind for Children of the World.

The mirror doesn't lie ... it didn't lie ... It gives me strength to move further and make a point ... a flagship of change ... moving forth with her endeavours ... single in her thoughts  yet not alone  in her movement ...

In the reflections I see my dreams coming true ... I internalize my success without an ego ... Proudly I march ahead ... Alone yet head held high... New horizons to explore ... New lands to discover ... New school of thought to bring forth to the World.... a real legacy to leave behind for my own to be proud of.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mean Machine .... Heart...

Yupp! That's right ... Our Heart ... The Mean Machine ...
It makes us pine for another ....
It makes us crave for another ...
It makes us helpless ...
It makes us crib ...
It makes us cry ...
It makes us so weak ...
The mean Machine that it is ...
Just whirring away ...
Emotions welling up ...
Missing someone ...
Eyes searching out and within ...
Introspection ...
Observation ...
Retrospection ...
Name it, and ...
Every action taken ...
To carve the name on the heart ...
At times of desperation ...
Trying to scratch it out ...
A state of dilemma ...
A state of no respite ...
Thoughts coming and going ...
Input, output not matching ...
Thoughts positive ...
Thoughts negative ...
Neutral none ...
Mean machine at it ...
Siphoning away all power ...
Eating into the feelings ...
Why this muscular thing throbs ...
An organ that beats ...
But feels ...
Feelings deep and profound ...
Making you hear music even when none around.
My heart beats ... skips and hops ...
As though touched by a hot iron rod ...
A pop from the corn ...
The ears of which wrenched off ...
A clobber of hooves ...
A sigh in the silent night.
Mean Machine ...
Still pumps blood ...
No respite ...
Come pain and heartbreak ...
It doesn't skip a beat ...
The brain loses it ....
The body loses the power ...
But the Mean Machine goes on ad on ...
Pop goes the sound ...
Nothing else but a silence ... An eerie silence ....
But, for now ... The show goes on ...
The mean machine happily pumping blood ....
And, mirth in life ...
Love in the air ...
Who cares ...
I don't ...
Enjoy while you can ...
See tomorrow, if it comes ...
But, for now ...
Love and laughter fills my life...
Mean Machine or no machine.

A thousand deaths ...

She was Raped one day and she suffered and died ... RIP

There are countless who are raped everyday ... On streets and behind closed doors ... they suffer and die every moment of their sorry life .. they die a thousand deaths each moment ... they are told that it's their fault that they were raped ... they are made to commit Harakiri ... if they raise their voice they are labelled ... What should they do?

Is there anyone to help them get justice? Your law keepers laugh and scoff at a woman who goes to them seeking justice.... your law makers hide behind shameless masks of foolish reasons ... Money exchanged to quieten the raised voice ... what remains is a battered and tattered soul ... nothing but a zombie .... a zombie with a lot of anger within.

When all the zombies get together .... the anger within shall erupt and your World will be reduced to ashes ... everything burnt to the ground ... razed and mass destruction ... it will all end ... that would be apocalypse day ... not predicted but expected.

I believe in divine justice too ... what goes around comes around ... Don't forget that. We all have mothers, sisters and daughters in our homes too .... Imagine if they had to go through what you subjected the woman to go through ... Just imagine ... feel the pain .. feel the SHAME. You will die a thousand deaths too.

A Thousand deaths ... I experience each moment .... coz' I am a WOMAN.