Saturday, September 20, 2014

Why do you read me?

Move on Buddy ...
Don't waste time reading me...
There are better things to do ...
Than read an old flame ...
Why do you read me?
Stop this bad habit ...
It will make you all the more morose ...
And leave me catching my breath...
We need to go our ways ..
Find our calling ...
You lost your chance ...
When you turned your back ...
Like a coward ...
You whimpered and whined.

Losing hope in your abilities ...
As a man ...
To be a Man ...
You need to be strong ...
To stand your ground ...
To be with the chosen one ...
You lost your high ground ...
You showed your back ..
Cowards don't deserve anything ...
Stop reading me ...
I know you are.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The mood is set ...

Chirpy days, gloomy days ...
Days of fun filled happiness ...
Ones of morose thoughts ...
Days of glee and gay abandon ...
Days of drives to his workplace ...
Days of long drives out of town ...
Nights of  sheer pleasure and fun ...
Lying awake in his arms.

Days of coffees and hot chocolate ...
Muffins and croissants ...
Days making love on his table top ...
Days of stolen kisses ...
Soft whispers of I Love You ...
Murmurs of heartbeat too ...
The nights stolen and lived ...
The entwining of bodies ...
Passion running high ...
Oblivious of all else ...
Moans of pleasure ...
Groans of orgasm ...
Yes.... The one who gave it all ...
He returns in thoughts again.

The mood is set ...
Yet for another round of sex, sleaze and apathy ...
Yet another heartbreak ...
But, Lovers do not care.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

You are the Music ...

You are the Music I want to hear ...
You are the sound of pearly drops...
You are the passion I have loved ...
You are the trench coat I want.

In your voice lies ...
The path to my salvation ...
The peace of my mind ...
When you sing songs ...
I know they are meant for me.

Your words reverberate ...
In the core of my bleeding heart ...
The very essence of my being ...
Shattered by your betrayal.

You are the drums of heaven ...
Beating upon my soul ...
You are my sonnet ...
Of a dark rainy day.

Entrapped in your melodious voice...
My emotions wreak havoc on my mind....
The feelings flare up ...
Raging within a hurt heart.

You are the music that made my days ...
You are the sound of my heart ...
You were very close ...
Now a memory of the distant past.

Monday, September 15, 2014

जुस्तजू ... कुछ भी तो नहीं

आरज़ू हो या जुस्तजू सब एक दिन चक्नाचूर हो ही जातें हैं
कुछ नहीं बचता उस नापाक दिल का
जो मोहब्बत करने चला होता है
नादान दिल झान्सों में आ जाता है
बहक जाता है झूठ और फरेब के जाल में
फिर कुछ नहीं बचता उस पागल प्रेमी का
न वजूद न दिमाग
कुछ रह जाता है तो वो एक जिंदा लाश
और कुछ नहीं
काश की ये  न होती
ये नापाक मोहब्बत
ये जुस्तजू
कुछ न होता
फिर तो कुछ भी न होता
वैसे भी क्या पुछें एक जिंदा लाश से
कुछ भी नहीं
उसके अरमानों का गला तो घूट चूका
बचा क्या है उसके पास
कुछ भी तो नहीं
कुछ भी नहीं

Vagina Monologue ... Rant of the Rump

In a mood for some comedy ...
Let us make tuneless music ...
Music on what? He said ...
She said ...
Why not a monologue on something?
What, he said ...
Hmmm... lemme think she said....
And, they brainstormed ...
They decided on ...
A monologue ...
Of the most misused ...
Object of desire ....
And, here it goes ...

Poor me ...
Sucked and fucked or life ...
To give life ...
To the suckers milk ...
If not for cuss words ...
I am lost in the bushes ...
If not for the constant fingering ...
Am  left untouched ...
Ah! The orgasm ...
None can give ...
Am a loner till a boner ...
Tags along with ...
A potbellied sinner ...
Making me poor Les' Miserable'...
Yikes! My plight ...
Poor me ...
Sticking it out ...
With a sticky stiff stick ...
Going limp before ...
I can even say the letter "O'.

Losing juices over a limp wimp ...
I crib and nag ....
I the vagina ...
Constantly in a monologue ...
A dialogue is a far cry...
Suppressed by a dildo ...
A pimp of desire ...
A limp figure ...
Panting beside her.

Attuning her tuning fork ...
The vagina gears up ...
For yet another dry spell ...
For her whims and fancies differ ...
From the wimps and pansies of th World.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Sinner ...

To become the best ...
You have to be the best ...
You can't sin and say ...
I am pure ...
I haven't sinned to be where I have reached ...
How many have you stepped over ...
In your endeavour to reach tlhe top ...
How many hearts have you crushed ....
To be who you are today?
Why live in the fantasy that you are the best...
When you are the worst human ...
On the face of Earth...
A sinner to the core ...
You have sinned ...
You have conned ...
Not only others but ...
Also your own family...
Why such double standards?
Blaming your career failure ...
To baby sitting ...
Huh! Heights of laziness ...
In order to become a father ...
You couldn't become one ...
Not at all ...
One who cheats on his family ....
For his ulterior motives ...
Cheats others ...
Plays with emotions ...
He deserves none ...
There is nomplace on Earth or ...
Heaven , for him ...
He deserves no mercy....
A conman to the core ...
He dies a slow ...
Tormented death each moment ...
That is his destiny ...
To be hated by the ones who loved him.
You don't love and unlove anyone ...
Either there was love ...
Or no love at all ...
You don't smell a flower...
Pluck its petals ...
And walk away saying ...
You don't love it anymore ....
Coz' you have plucked it to its death.
Shame on you ....
You are a shammer ...
Sad that one has to live with these ...
Terrible memories of you ...
Live knowing you are smiling smugly somewhere ...
Patting yourself on the back ...
For one more achievement ...
One more in your kitty of affairs.

Once a sinner ...
Always a sinner.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Deep brooding eyes...

He has the most intense ...
Beautiful, deep brooding eyes ...
When he looks at her ...
She loses herself in their depth ...
She is lost forever ...
His love so intense ...
So deep ...
She couldn't surface once immersed...
In his love ...
She found her solace ...
Her need to belong ...
She belonged to him ...
The one who searched for her ...
Those many years ...
Relentlessly,  unstopping ...
He looked for her ....
High and low ...
Every nook and corner  of the World ....
Ultimately seeking her out ...
There she was ...
In all her unabashed nakedness ...
In front of him ...
They melted in each others arms ...
Never to emerge from ...
The embrace so tight ...
Breath infused  in each others ...
They love each other as one ...
Entwined in a deep embrace ...
She already drowned in his eyes ...
Melting into him...
Being one with him...
Her love  , hers...
She fears none ...
For she is his shadow ...
He is her soul.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Castles built with sand...

Castles built with sand ...
Wash away ...
Castles built in air ...
Vaporise ...
All that remain are ...
Memories made together...
Moments spent ...
Finding happiness ...
Nothing remains permanent...
All is lost ...
When the day of reckoning arrived ...
The Knight galloped away ...
Into the Sunset ...
Not to be seen again ...
The Kingdom collapsed ...
The Queen withered away ...
In dungeons she imprisoned herself ...
Chained to her memories.

Her castle remains in ruins ...
People ask why ...
No one answers , why.
They say she walks the ramparts...
The chains of her memories clinking ...
The clangs a hollow wail ...
On moonlit nights ...
You can still see her flitting across the skies...
In the darkness ...
You can hear her cries ...
Her castle in cinders ...
Smouldering , burning within ...
She seeths in her anger.

Castles they built with sand ...
Washed away before time ...
Castle built in air ...
Came crumbling down.