Sunday, July 20, 2014

In an instant ...

All that she believed in ...
All that she lived ...
All that she had...
Was gone....
In an instant ... All was gone.

The home she had built...
A nest of love ...
Every bit and shard ...
Came falling apart ....
She was left ...
Bereft of any emotions ...
She was a motionless form ...
A lifeless vegetable ...
A rootless homeless...
She walked the streets  with her own ...
Two angels only her own ...
The darkness engulfed her ...
Swallowed her whole ...
She never emerged ...From the Black hole.

The shock of deceit ...
In an instant ...
Took away her World...
Wiped the smile off her lips...
The tears stood still...
At the edge ...
On the verge of a spill ...
But, never rolled down her cheeks.

She walked away broken ...
In her thoughts yet alive ...
Memories that haunt her day and night...
Memories that stop her from loving another...
Memories that sap her energy...In an instant all was gone ...
That instant she lives every moment....
She dies every moment...
She isn't alive ...
All that the World sees is ...
The Skeletal remains ...
Of what once was.

In an instant ...
She lost all that she stood for.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

She Thinks ...

She thinks ...
All she does is think ...
An imaginative creature ...
Creating scenarios in her mind...
All she does is Think.

She imagines ...
The World to be a peaceful one...
That she can leave for her own kin...
Her kith and other Kids ...
She wishes for World peace...
She wishes for a Greener tomorrow...
She works towards the goal ...
Of leaving a better World behind her.

She dreams a lot ..
She dreams with her eyes wide open ...
She dreams with tears streaming down her cheeks ...
She dreams of her own home.

She has regrets ...
Foe sins not committed by her ...
She laments the lost youth ...
She wishes the childhood lost ..
By her little ones ...
Be returned ...
She wishes a lot...
She wishes , she had bowed ...
Cowed down to demands irrelevant ...
She wants to turn the clock back again.

She thinks ...
So she can ...
In her imaginary World ...
All is hunky dory ...
Her World ...
Where all is well...
Not a tear is shed of sorrow and gloom ...
But of laughter and fun.

Her Life is rife with conflict...
Emotional trauma she bears alone ...
A lonesome , secluded life ...
A barrier around her ...
She leads the life of a recluse ...
A safe haven created ...
She lives in her own World...
No one allowed in ...
Just her and her alone...
So, she can think and ...
Create her own Heaven ...
Away from the hell of emotional conflict ..
Happy in her loneliness ...
Satiated in her aloneness..
With her own conflicting thoughts ...
Her own monsters and demons to deal with.

She thinks , she can ...
And, she will ...
There is nothing stopping her thoughts ...
Just SHE and Her Thoughts alone.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Smiling within ...

A slight twitch...
Opening into a wide smile...
This is what thoughts...
Of you do to my Lips...
A sly smile always ...
Deepening thoughts ...
Deepening smile ...
Eyes glistening with unshed tears ...
Tears of joy ...
Happy in the knowledge ...
You are there for me always.

Smiling within ...
I walk briskly ...
Into another day ...
Another challenge ...
Knowing well that...
I shall overcome all obstacles ...
All apprehensions laid to rest ...
Am aware of my being ...
In your presence I bloom ...
Under your watchful eyes ...
I know I shall glow.

The flame within extinguished , rekindled ...
I am a new Me ...
A flower blooms once again...
Smiling within ...
The radiance emanating again ...
The fragrance engulfing all.

Monday, July 7, 2014

A memorable weekend ...

With the clock striking 12 am ... the weekend began...Making a presentation for Mom's upcoming Birth anniversary and simultaneously wondering when we would really begin the journey into the past that day, a very hyper me began the day.

Constantly on Whats App with friends , contemplating the moves of the two bouncers I would be travelling with but clueless about their plans, I got dressed and made a move to go shopping around. Shopped till I dropped dead, Nah.... but shopping I did with my little ones all grown up helping me chose the gifts and rolling their eyes up at my innocence in dealing with the shop staff.  Kids... they think am always making a fool of myself. Histrionics being my forte'.

Reaching back home, desperately waiting to go on  my Pune trip ... all jittery and wide eyed .. no sleep all charged up.No hunger ... just waiting to embark on an exciting journey.

What a trip!! Whew... we stared at quarter to two and it took us nearly six hours for a hour journey. Just fultoo masti and singing songs and getting lost on the way... Getting lost!!! Yes... we lost our bearings and Our host and good friend Gyani had to come looking for us. All charged up we dumped our stuff at his place , met  Amita, our impeccable hostess and a darling, beautiful lady to our Colonel Sahib. From there, we went to pick up Susan... dreaded Caesar her pet and munched a coupe of Chicken cutlets while posing for photographs and packed the rest to take for our rendezvous point... Gyani's breezy and cool balcony. We spent the entire evening till the wee hours of the morning in the balcony while our gracious hostess made us feel completely at home and filled up our bread baskets with munchkins and Gyani topped our glasses while we got totally tipsy in memories and clicking photographs and making plans for retirement and settling around each other.

While all went to sleep ... I looked back on the hours spent with good old friends ... And felt grateful that we had all bonded well .. an evening well spent. Quality time with friends , no pretenses just open talks and jokes. We had all turned into little boys and girls.

The next morning , we had tea prepared by Gyani and then cheese toasts, then we set out to drop off Susan at her place; saw her School and office premises ... then back again to Wind Chimes for another session of a hearty breakfast of Idli, wada, chutney and Sambhar plus Jalebis with Rabdi.... awesome experience with Sachin giving Pratik a head massage.Innocent fun and frolic , then it was time for me to adjust my sails and go to my siblings home nearby to continue celebrations for my Moms birth anniversary.

It was indeed a memorable weekend made a golden moment in the company of old friends from days of yore. We turned back time, we became young again. Total recall and joyous experience... couldn't have asked for more.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Am no Concubine of yours ...

Am no flower that you can pluck ..
Am no vine you can hang from ...
Am no Concubine of yours ...
A slave for life ...
No Sir, not me.

Am no shadow to you anymore ...
For I follow my own path ...
You lost your chance ...
Long ago ...
I waited , but no more ...
Get a grip on your life ...
My life is not for you to live.

The flowers in my garden ...
Have long gone ..
An eerie wintry silence ...
Pervades all through ...
Do not use the shrillness of voice ...
For there is none to hear it here.

Am no Concubine of yours ..
That would wait upon you ...
Day after day.

Long gone are days ...
When I would lay eyes upon your steps...
No more red carpet treatment ...
For I respect you no more.

Am no Concubine of yours ...
That you turn to ...
For Time pass.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rhythm of the Rain...

In the rhythm of the falling rain ...
I can hear your heartbeats...
In the pitter patter of the falling drops ...
I hear you call out to me.

I turn around ..
A wisp of cool breeze ...
Touches my skin and passes by...
I know...
It is your kiss...
Sent from across miles ...
of Land, air and water ...
You , the very beat of my heart ...
Skipping across oceans ...
Lakes and the sky...
My love ...
Pure, unintentional feelings ...
Yes, you the man in my life ...
You , the very symbol ...
Of unabashed love ...
You, the reason behind my smiles.

I feel the raindrops on my skin ...
Know well...
That it is you touching me ...
In your own way...
Kissing my naked soul ...
Through drops so cool.

I seal our love ...
I close my eyes ...
I feel one with you ...
I can feel you around me...
I can...
For your love reaches me ...
Through the drops of rain...
The rhythm of the falling rain ...
Reminds me of your heaving chest ...
Your flesh ...
A memory so sweet...
Yes, I love you ...
Have always loved you.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The fate of a Lover ...

Why  do I suffer the fate of a failed Lover?
Do you want to know why?
Well! Long story cut short ...
Coz' I can't lie ...
I can't feign ignorance ...
I can't act innocent ...
I can't be cunning ...
I can't manipulate ...
I call a spade a spade ...
That's it ...

I suffer the fate of a Lover ...
Solitude ...
Forlorn ...
Always alone in thoughts ...
Lonesome ...
In her own World ...
A World of Bliss ...
A World of Imagination ...
A World where No one can hurt me ...
My own small Little World...
A World where there is no feeling ...
No remorse ...
No pain ...
Just me and my melancholy loneliness.

I suffer the fate ...
Of many a failed Lovers ...
Down the path of life ...
Just another failed love affair.

Frigid , as I am ...
Rigid thoughts ...
Dead feelings ...
Nothing at all affecting ...
I suffer the fate of a Lover ...
A Failed Lover ...
Always  ..
Never ending saga of gory love story ...
Never ending story of failure ...
Time after time ..
I am the very epitome ...
\Of a failed love affair.

The musings of a Criminal Mind ...

Learning to come to terms ...
With ones disabilities...
Coming to terms with ...
Our apprehensions ...
Our troubles ...
Our dreams  shattered ..
Our dreams realised ...
How far do we go to ....
Get what we desire?
How far is far enough ?
Or, close enough?
The wound that doesn't heal ...
The heart knows not why...
It aches for the joy...
That is not within your reach ...
Why do we want ...
What is not meant to be?

A heart that wants more ...
A mind that conspires to get it ...
Is it criminal to desire?
Is it wrong to conspire ?
Is it not meant to be?
Why can't we make it happen?

Ah! The thoughts of villainy ...
The musings ...
Of a Criminal Mind ...
Is it wrong to love unconditionally?
Am out of the dark ages of sorrow ...
Am all for the light at the end of the Tunnel ...
But, when does the journey end?