Thursday, April 24, 2014

वो कहता है ...

वो कहता है कि ये खता उसने नहीं की ...
तो कोई तो बताये ये अता किसने की ?
किसने दो दिलों के बीच दूरियां पैदा की?
किसने ग़मों के बदल भिजवाए मेरे घर?
किसने तोड़ डाला दो फूलों को शाख से?
किसने अरमानों का खून किया?
कौन है वो शक्श ...
जिसे नहीं भाती खुशियाँ मेरी?
किसकी आँखों में खून सवार है?
कौन है वो दरिंदा...
जिसने परिंदों के पर काट दिए?
किसकी ये खता है ?
किसका ये जुर्म है?

वो कहता है की ये खता उसने नहीं की...
कितने खुश थे हम...
एक अलग ही दुनिया थी...
 न ग़म की घटा थी ...
न दर्द के सागर...
अब बस एक टीस सी उठती है दिल में....
काश की वो सामने आये...
और मेरी आखरी सांस जाये ...
कुछ बाकि नहीं बचा जीने के लिए...
सिवाए एक अनजाने दर्द के ...
कोई नहीं ...
कुछ भी नहीं ...
बस एक अंधी सुनसान गली है ...
जिसके उस ओर रौशनी दिखती है ...
जाना है उस ओर...
लौट के वापस न आने को...
और ...
वो कहता है ये खता भी उसने नहीं की है|

इस बार जो गयी...
तो कभी वापस आना न होगा...
फिर मुड के न देखेंगे....
बस ...
चले जाना है...
दूर कहीं, बहुत दूर...
वापस नहीं आना है|

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Moment is gone ...

Yes, The moment is gone ...
So have the feelings ...
They left the moment ...
You exhibited your insanity.

There is no looking back ...
This is an ode to what was once...
Now, no more ...
Elvis has left the Building.

There might be many more ..
Some better and some worse ...
But those moments ...
Won't see you in her company ...
Her arms not for you to ...
Lay your head upon ...
She left too ...
In search of her Oblivion.

A dark place .....
Where she broods ...
Watching fruits of passion ...
Dispassionately ..
For they are just a vice ...
To entice a weak mind ...
She ain't weak..
She is stronger than you think ...
She watches ...
She contemplates ...
But, for you ....
The moment is gone.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Chapters Closed ...

It has been a long time since I last penned my thoughts and feelings.

Today, just on a lark I decided to check on my blog posts. Whew! What a journey it has been!

Swinging like Tarzan from Happiness to sad posts ; I have been through them all.

My life right before me , I know I have grown , journeyed through thick and thin yet sustained the pain and joy through it all.

People joined midway, lost along the way; some kept pace , some just got tired and lagged behind finally disappearing into the misty fog of yesteryear's memories. Chapters Closed.

A big thick rustic book of memories, my life a roller coaster ride. Fidelity, the only factor to seek , never found. So each chapter closed to let the pain ebb away for my life is just one, no more suffering for another's shortcomings.

A long winding journey which saw mirth, laughter, pain and joy ; most remembered the moments of comedy; time gone by ... how it flies!

Closing the Chapter to the past ... penning new thoughts .. On my own ... I create a new History ... a new road to Salvation ... My own to follow .. for in my melancholy solitude I have found my calling... My life on my own terms I live.

Opening a  fresh new Chapter in the book of my life ... Just one Shadow on the page ... MINE .

Monday, March 24, 2014

That moment ...

Exactly  that particular moment ...
That !
When one is deeply engrossed in work ...
And, suddenly a name from the past pops up ...
That moment of pin drop silence ...
Everyone fully aware of how it affects you ...
Tension in the air ...
Regret writ large on the face ...
Of the one who uttered it ...
Ah1 How I love such tension filled moments ...
And, you break the stony silence ...
With a loud false laughter ...
howling with laughter ...
Tears stinging at the corner of your eyes ...
That moment ... pure bliss ...
All let loose to loosen the tense muscles...
On faces around you.

Memorable moments ...
Come rushing through your thoughts ...
A take over from the blast from your past.
Moments fleeting by ...
Everything so crystal clear ...
All you see as a movie ...
That you experienced solely ...
You just shrug your shoulder ...
And. smile ...
Getting on with the task in hand.
That moment passes you by ...
You move on to the next moment.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The First Kiss ...

The freshness of it all ...
Still lingering on my lips ...
I remember our first Kiss ...
With fondness abound ...
I remember every moment ...
Right from the awkward silence ...
To holding hands ...
Resting of your head on my shoulder ...
And my head on your head ...
A billion sensations running ...
Through my veins ...
When our hair met ...
An electric current ...
Sending sensations through every bit of me ...
The silence said it all.

The first Kiss ...
Saying it all ...
A stolen moment ...
Magical ...
Followed by some more ...
Taking us to the Seventh Heaven ...
A feeling best left undescribed ..
Just felt by two hearts ...
Beating as one.

Lest I make a fool of myself ...
Let the Silence speak for itself ...
It holds memories of our First Kiss.

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Potency of the Impotent ...

Limited to words ...
Is the potency of the impotent one ...
All he knows is to rave and rant ...
All day long ...
Living off his parents ...
He is nothing ...
But an imbecile fool.

Flexing his muscles ...
he rules over the weak ...
In that knowledge he is happy ...
What a fool he is ...
The impotent One ...
For he knows not ...
That muscles will fail ...
When age catches up with him ...
Frail in his Sunset years ...
He will lament his IMPOTENCY.

The fool ...
And his desires ...
All so vain ...
He seeks solace ...
In the bosom of Hoes ...
He seeks fulfillment ...
where there is none ...
For he shall always remain ...

Jugni ...

In remembrance ...
An Ode to Love Lost ...
"Jugni" is my tribute to what we had once.

You saw it coming ...
No? Neither did I.
The Love we confessed to ...
Happened not overnight ...
It just happened over a period of time.
The Apple of your Eye ...
Adam's Apple or William Tell's ...
Is what you know best...
Became so...
After a long period of knowing each other ...
Incomprehensible relation at first ...
Just plain acquaintances ...
To friends ...
To people who would sit up all night talking ...
We became inseparable...
A tie that hasn't broken ...
So what if we don't meet anymore ...
The unsaid ...
The unbroken exists.

Your "Jugni" didn't die ...
She remains  in-existential ...
Watching you pine for her ...
Yet, the chain of pride binds her ...
For you offended her sentiments ...
One too many times.

You pained me with your harsh words ...
So did I return the favor ...
What hurt me most was...
Your affiliations with the others ...
Why another when I was there ?
Those same dialogues could have been ours ...
But you chose to find alternatives ...
To our pure conversations...
It hurts, when the one you love ...
Showers what is yours on others.

Jugni waits in the wings ...
In the shadows of the ramparts of words ...
She watches your back ...
But, she won't emerge from the dark ...
That you pushed her into...
She just watches with tear filled eyes ...
Tears that threaten to spillover ...
And flood the realms of your World...
No, she isn't a weak one ...
She is too strong to let your fears...
Overwhelm her being.

She loved You ...
She Loves You...
She will always Love You ...
But, JUGNI won't chase YOU.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Aura ...

There is a certain Aura around her...
The way she walks ...
The  way she talks ..,
The way she presents herself to the World ...
There is a way about her ...
That none can match ...
She is bright ...
She is confident ...
She is child like ...
Yet she is a Woman ...
All look upto.

The simple smile ...
Simple yet caring ...
Caring yet sensual ...
Yes, That!
That is the aura around her ...
Young and old ....
Love her ....
Abysmal smile ....
She is the ultimate desire of every aching heart.

Yes! There is an aura around her...
The aura of confidence ...
An aura of positive self worth ...
That is what sets her apart ...
Not being part of the crowd ...
She moves fluidly ...
In her own space.

The aura of her shine ...
The shine in her aura ...
She is the desire of Satan ...
She is the desire of Adonis ...
She is there ...
Yet nobody can touch her soul ..
She drifts in her own World ..
Her Aura shining bright.