Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Chapters Closed ...

It has been a long time since I last penned my thoughts and feelings.

Today, just on a lark I decided to check on my blog posts. Whew! What a journey it has been!

Swinging like Tarzan from Happiness to sad posts ; I have been through them all.

My life right before me , I know I have grown , journeyed through thick and thin yet sustained the pain and joy through it all.

People joined midway, lost along the way; some kept pace , some just got tired and lagged behind finally disappearing into the misty fog of yesteryear's memories. Chapters Closed.

A big thick rustic book of memories, my life a roller coaster ride. Fidelity, the only factor to seek , never found. So each chapter closed to let the pain ebb away for my life is just one, no more suffering for another's shortcomings.

A long winding journey which saw mirth, laughter, pain and joy ; most remembered the moments of comedy; time gone by ... how it flies!

Closing the Chapter to the past ... penning new thoughts .. On my own ... I create a new History ... a new road to Salvation ... My own to follow .. for in my melancholy solitude I have found my calling... My life on my own terms I live.

Opening a  fresh new Chapter in the book of my life ... Just one Shadow on the page ... MINE .

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