Friday, February 21, 2014

Cocaine ...

They say Drugs kill ...

I say, Why not die in a state of Bliss. At least drugs don't break your trust. With drugs you get a high, you forget everything, you sleep a contented sleep.

Cocaine, my bane or curse... I don't know. But, today it keeps me happy.... keeps me blissfully unaware of the hell that life can be. I sleep like a baby , curled up in my cocoon where none can hurt me. My feelings safely ensconced in my heart, untouched by the World. Blissfully unaware of pain, I sleep.  Respite from a hard day of work, emotional stress , handling flaring egos and flaming minds... Yes! Cocaine is the answer to all.

It takes a tremendous amount of energy to act normal in an abnormal World of chaos.Drugs subdue the enthusiasm and make me fly into a veritable World of adventures and dreams that otherwise I wouldn't have had.  A venture so bold, I could literally remain their forever trying out new adventures and games. Something impossible in real life is possible in my World of Cocaine.

I like getting lost in my own Alice in Wonderland.... In the land of Oz ... In the land of Anarchy ...of Queens, Emperors and Knights with shining armour.

My Life ... Only one to live ... I live it .. I swear by Cocaine.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

तेरी माँ की ....

जी हाँ जी ...
तेरी माँ की ऐसी की तैसी ...
तेरी माँ की आँख ...
तेरी माँ गली की कुतिया ...
तेरा बाप न जाने कौन....
तेरी बहन तेरी वो ...
तू कमीना ...
तेरा बाप कमीना ...
तेरा खानदान हरामी...
बोल अब क्या कर लेगा तू?

गांड मरवाने कहाँ जायेगा बे?
या अत्री खत्री को चोदेगा?
तू है ही हरामी का पिल्ला ..
खुद को बादशाह न कह ...
तू सड़कछाप गुंडा है ...
तेरी क्या औकात?
कुछ नहीं तू ...
तेरी माँ की आँख|...
तेरे जैसे हज़ार लौंडे ...
मेरे बूट चाटते हैं रोज़ ..
तू किस खेत की मूली ...
तेरी लूली भी छोटी और लाल ...
लंगूर की प्रजाति का है तू ...
बेहेंचोद माँ का लौदा है तू |

तेरी माँ की ऐसी की तैसी |

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Dichotomy of an Affair ...

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Dichotomy of an Affair ...: Split in to two ... The Heart murmurs .... What is this ? Why am I to choose silence ... When I want to shout out ... The mind says .....

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Dichotomy of an Affair ...

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Dichotomy of an Affair ...: Split in to two ... The Heart murmurs .... What is this ? Why am I to choose silence ... When I want to shout out ... The mind says .....

Dichotomy of an Affair ...

Split in to two ...
The Heart murmurs ....
What is this ?
Why am I to choose silence ...
When I want to shout out ...
The mind says ...
Ssshhh don't let your feelings out ...
There are bandits that shall kill them ...
They will throttle the love within ....
They have no heart ....
They use and throw emotions like playing cards.

The days have gone...
When love was cherished ...
Now, it is an affair ...
An affair with many ...
Friends stabbing you in the back ....
Love gone sour ...
The Lover finding others to fill the void...
An Affair best split in two or more ...
One here another there ...
Two friends One Lover ...
It is a Heart split in two ...
The Dichotomy of an affair.

Trusting others has led to pain...
Trust no more ...
Live life as if none exists ...
The affair a long forgotten past ...
Do not splice the feelings ...
They are eternal ...
Feelings don't die ...
People do....
Affairs don't end ...
They are split in two.

The Binary fission of an affair ...
But with a twist ...
One soul left lamenting ...
Another gallavanting.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love is Blind ...

Love, a blatantly singular word...
Keeping within its confines ...
Manifold emotions for a human mind ...
Making us go through varied pangs ...
Of requited and unrequited love.

Love ... is Blind ...
Indeed said in a lighter context ...
Our love withstood the test of time ...
We crossed the river of intense emotions ...
Ups and downs of life's varied motions ...
Motives of hatred and passion ...
Unlimited words ...
Yet, we came around in each others arms ...
Just back again in bliss...
That is Love ...
Blind unbridled Love ...
You are the Man as always ...
I wait upon your words ...
This time round ...
I give the reins to you ...
For am blinded by your Love.

I wait upon you ..
Eager ears for your footsteps ...
Eyes beseechingly furtive ...
Glancing at the door ...
I wait to hear you say the magic words ...
Whisper in my ears ..
warm breath against the nape of my neck ..
A tingling down my spine.

Yes .. Blinded by Love ...
I wait ...
For you are the Man ...
I am your woman....
We make beautiful music together ...
We Tango to that rhythm ...
Our World entwined in emotions ...
We bide our time...
For Love is Blind.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

असमंजस का माहौल

सीमाहीन अनंत आकाश ..
उसमें उड़ते पंछी ...
उन्हें क्यूँ उन्मुक्तता प्रदान की?
हम परिंदे धरती के ...
हर पल जीते मरते हैं ...
क़ैद हमारी मंजिल है ...
हम क्यूँ नहीं जीते हैं?

आशा निराशा का मंजर...
दर्शाता है असमंजसता का माहौल...
सब परेशां ...
सब नादान ...
उलझनों से घिरे ...
किसी अपने की तलाश नें...
कोई नहीं सुखी यहाँ ...
हर एक दिल ...
ग़म पाल रहा बड़ा...
हर आँख ढूँढती किनारा ...
साहिल न मंजिल ...
कुछ भी तो नहीं दीखता...
गहरी खाई न ओर न छोर ...
बस एक अँधेरी गुफा..
राह ढून्ढ कर जाना है|

असमंजस परेशां इंसान ...
चहूं और स्याह सन्नाटा है ...
कोई नहीं ठिकाना है ...
कहीं नहीं इसे जाना है ...
असमंजसता का माहौल ...
सब परेशां परेशां दिख रहे|

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Just Like That #JLT

Everything was hunky dory ...
Life was going on smoothly ...
The nest was in place neat and tidy ...
JUST LIKE THAT one day ....
A sudden wind swept it all away ...
Just like that a home disappeared ...
And, ruins appeared ...
Just like that innocent eyes became ice cold ....
Just like that humanity was lost ...
And, a cold heart appeared ...
Just like that she walked away into the unknown ...
The oblivion engulfing her ...
The shadows swallowing her...
Just like that she was lost forever.

She emerged one fine day just like that ...
Out of nowhere ...
But, it wasn't her former self ....
This time round what came forth was ...
A person with a mind of her own ...
An incorrigible truant mind ...
That hated men just like that.
Thence none escaped her volatility ...
None could garner the courage to face her ...
She was the She devil ...
That crushed the men who hurt the innocent...
She was the Messiah of the weak ...
A title she got ...

Whatever she did ...
She did Just Like That.