Wednesday, January 30, 2013

She is but a minion ...

Minuscule... Minute particle .....
Minion of the society ...
Not of my kind or type ...
I abhor any mention of her ....
I am aghast at her stoniness...
Appalled at her meanness ....
Absolutely against ...
Any kind of interaction with her.

Apparently little .... very small ...
Small in my eyes and...
That of the World ...
Does it matter?
Your existence ... is non existent ...
What is it that sets you apart ?
Nothing ... You are a nobody ...
You shall die as one ...
With no honour ... nor valor to speak of ...
Despicable actions ...
The World loathes you ...
Lechers desire your cleavage ...
Nothing else ...
Vermin, rodent ...
Your mortal being has no soul ...
You are but despondent.

Minion on the holy Earth ...
A shame in the name of Womanhood...
Motherhood ...
Sisterhood ...
You deserve no mercy in words too.

When you feel used ...

Yeah! This one's for you ...

When you feel that someone has used you for his/her ulterior purposes, shut up and move on. there's no use crying over spilled milk. People have this habit of gaining your trust and then screwing you up completely. So, Just forget them, mentally kick them in the butt and move on.

You are used again and again, used and abused, yet you give them another chance to use and abuse you ... Why?

Move on Gal, they are no more than the vermins that they are, not worth a dekko even; you are much more than them.... Just move on.

Look at the way they make fun of you; sniggering at the nonsensical stuff you copy paste or utter... sad you don't see beyond their imperfections, the emptiness of their words.... look beyond and yonder.

sad to see you wasted ... a wastrel indeed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Your blatant lies ...

Your lies... blatant ...
Farcical lies ...
Have no more takers Dear ...
It's time to do a rethinking ...
Time to mend your ways.

You have ruined many lives ...
Many hearts broken ...
Men, women alike ...
All that dislike and loathe ...
Must find an opening somewhere...
A well to drown your sorrows ...
A black hole for your self inflicted wounds.

Your lies ...
Your blatant lies ...
Your undoing ...
You have dug your own grave...
Coffin you must make ...
Of your own choice now...
You deserve no pity ...
You vermin from the gutter.

The worms wriggling on your skin...
The bosom heavy with pain ...
The giblets spilling out ...
Pus oozing within ...
That's the state you are in ...
That's the state you brought yourself to ...
Rot here and rot in hell ...
For Heaven has no space for you.

Your lies...
Your blatant lies ...
Have opened the gates of raging hell ...
That's where you belong ...
Not earth nor heaven  for you.

Every Creation has an End ...

What you started ... You must end ...
I shall not end it ...
I shall fan the aches ...
The pain you inflicted upon me ...
A rage that shall bring forth your end.

You started it ... You end it...
Else you burn in the same fire ...
You started for me ...
Mend your devilish ways ...
Cleanse your soul of wants ...
Your sinful desires ...
That ruined countless lives.

I shall watch from far ...
I shall snigger and smile ...
I shall revel in delight ...
Seeing you in pain.
You started it ...
You shall end it...
Else you suffer endlessly ...
Till the end of your days.

Every creation has an end ...
You end what you created ...
A monster for yourself...
A monster out of yourself.

Same time last year ...

Same time last year ... I was brimming with happiness...
Life was a Lark ...
Singing beautifully like a Nightingale ...
Everything Hunky dory ...
A person by my side ...
Happy in his company ...
In his arms ...
I walked tall ....
Till A shadow lurking behind ...
Came and pushed me into reality.
A harsh reality ....
The grossness of which left me Speechless...
Heartbroken and hurting ...
I withdrew in a shell ....
I lashed out at him who was the harbinger of this shame ...
And, then I walked alone.

Today, a year on ...
I have let go of the past ...
Let go of the pain ...
I moved on ...
Happiness searched me ...
Found me ...
And, here I am ...
Lo Behold! Single ...
Yet happy in my work ...
Pleased in the knowledge ...
There's a someone out there ...
Watching upon me ...
Waiting upon me ...
Caring for me as his own ...
Thank You Mike ...
Thank you Papa Bear.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rare ... A promise to keep ...

They say promises are made to be broken ...
Not in this case ...
Rare... But true ...
The promises made by him ...
He can't break them ...
He doesn't exist no more to break them ...
He made the promises ...
Never to break them ...
He shall return to keep his word ...
But when? Is the Big Question.

He made hollow promises...
No, he couldn't have...
He ain't like the rest of them...
How do I believe that?
What makes me keep faith in him ...
Blind faith....
They all said, they would return ...
Return they did ... In coffins ...
How can I believe him?
Don't want to see another coffin ...
Another death in the eye ...
Another killing in the eye...
Death of faith and trust ....
Am I cursed...
Accursed life and fate.

Have lost trust in fate ...
It has nothing in store for me ...
But for tears ...
Tears that have dried now ...
No more tears ...
I ask for my share of happiness ...
My share of love...
My share of the Sunshine ...
My share of the cool breeze ...
My share of LIFE.

A Stroll down memory lane ...

Walking along the promenade ...
Suddenly out of the blue ...
Old memories cropped up in my mind ...
Images blurred first ...
But deep ...
Then all clear; crystal clear ...
Images from the past ...
walking along the promenade ...
But two decades earlier ...
Beautiful memories ...
Ones to cherish and relish in solo.

Wearing a mustard coloured dress...
Him by my side ...
Humming a song just for me ...
The communications specialist ...
How conveniently he communicated his love for me...
Outright blatant and blunt ...
Yet a gentle giant ...
Incorrigible was the word ...
He used to describe me ...
Incorrigible I was , I am still ...
He is no more ...
His memories linger on ...
The man in white ...
Shrouded in a mystery of his own.

A beautiful relationship ...
It lasted till his death ...
Continues to haunt me ...
Will so till my last breath.

None could replace him...
I know none can ...
The songs haunt me ...
Just like the memories ...
And, hold me back.

A stroll down the memory lane ...
A walk into the past ...
A jog into the life that was ...
A sprint past the rest.

The stroll turns into a brisk walk ...
A walk to reach the confines of home...
Lest someone sees the tears ...
Streaming down my cheeks.

A stroll down memory lane ...
Turns into a flood of tears.

The Frontier Woman ...

Journeying across a foreign land ...
Lone woman ...
Lone battle with the demons ...
Demons within and demons outside ...
The Frontier Woman ...
Marches ahead ...
Forging a path of her own ...
Making a niche' for herself ...
Slowly yet steadily ...
She leaves indelible marks on hearts that matter ...
Minds that appreciate.

Unknown territory ...
Yet the spirit of adventure raging within ...
The fire in her belly ...
Flaring up high ...
She marches on ...
New lands ...
New horizons to look for ...
To conquer ...
To make her own.

No respite ...
Not needed rest ...
Her Army being created ...
All along ...
She marches on ...
Discovering herself ...
Destroying every barrier ...
She marches on ...
Relentless in her pursuit ...
A horrific view for others ...
Her path of destruction ...
Made anew with each conquest.

The Frontier Woman ...
Many more bastions to conquer ...
No rest ...
No respite...
She needs her vial of blood ...
Each moment her own ...
To own her...
You need to be her slave ...
Enslaved beast ...
You shall relish her beauty ...
Free; you shall perish...
In her memory.

The Frontier Woman ...
Marches on ...
Seeking new lands ...
Seeking new bonds ...
Destroying the speed breakers ...
The path breaker she is ...
She creates new life ...
Born of her sweat and blood.

The Frontier Woman ...
Marches on.