Sunday, January 13, 2013

Paani Da Rang ... Euphoria ...

Nostalgia ... Euphoria ...
Met him ....
In a crowd ...
But, yet felt the closeness ...
The same electric passion ...
The same intensity ...
The same body language ...
Remembered each day ...
Relived each moment ...
The rest can be erased ...
Has been erased ...
But, not the memories and moments we shared.

Then, heard this song ...
It all came flooding back ...
Was transported into the past ...
Remembering every instance.

The last look he gave when I left ...
It said it all ...
No more needs to be communicated to know ...
The flame hasn't died.

The unsaid words ...
The look ...
The eyes ...
They said it all ...
And, I smiled and walked away ... A winner all the way.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What's Love? Really ... Sab Maya hai ...

 Love ... Love ... Love ...
A state of mental instability ...
A belief ... false belief ...
A mirage ...
Moh Maya...
Nothing but a dream that shatters ...
When reality strikes.

We act out our roles ...
Doled out by the Director ...
And then, Period ...
Silence ....
Nothing but an eerie silence...
A silence that speaks volumes ...
Yet leaves you confused ...
An unrealistic state  ...
A disbelief ...
Mean machine .... The Heart ....
Pumping blood ...
Saala yeh emotions kahan se aata hai?

Damn these feelings ...
That make you go weak in the knees ...
Damn the emotions ....
That make you sad ...
Damn the state of melancholy ...
Damn this Love ...
Dam it all ...
Put a plug ...
Stop it  in its stride ...
The more closer you get ...
The deeper is the ache.
Maya... Maya ... Maya ...

The sober and quiet heart says ...
Love is sacrifice ...
Damn this sacrifice.
The wild and free heart says...
Love is Lust...
Damn this Lust.
I don't Lust ...
I don't wanna sacrifice ...
I just wanna be ...
Be what?
Status Quo ... Unknown.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Nostalgia ... Moments I can't forget ...

You asked and I answer thus ... Those were magic moments I can never ever forget ... THEY shaped my TODAY ... My life and my Work all based on my Early Life ... Moments that shaped my destiny ... My Success ... A beautiful childhood ... Experiential experiences  ... People that mattered ... Magic to be cherished.

The running down the green hillside moments each day after school or during play ... Running into the waiting arms of my Mother ... Yes! ... My Port Blair .... My Andaman & Nicobar Islands ... The Deer on Ross Island ... Mine ... Eons ago ... But memories as fresh as the last moments. My virgin islands of days of yore ... A little Girls imagination flared up ... A fairytale life well lived. Moments of Truth ... But, yet no trauma.

A life of great fun and learning ... A schooling that left a visible impact so obvious now in my professional life ... Dream School  ... Positive impact and a Dream School of Today and Tomorrow generated.

Those days and their imprint ... My Love take me with you on my Journey back to my Childhood ... Memories that never faded nor will ever be erased ... Memories of experiences that shaped my life ... Beautiful moments. Looking back, I have no regrets ... A friend, a Philosopher, a Guide ... Found all along the way in friends and partners in life.

My Love if you go to my Dreamland ... Take me with you ... for that would be my first destination and last in this lifetime.

The Life of my dreams started years ago ... They shall end with you by my side ... Lay me to rest in the Sea ... Fodder for the marine life. My birthplace by the Sea ... My burial ground ... THE SEA.

A dream ... To be buried at Sea... From where my Journey began ... Aqua to Aqua ... Water to Water ... Not ashes to ashes ... I wasn't born from ashes ... Am the culmination of the five elements ... seen all ... the water left to feel.

Nostalgic moments ... moments of truth ... My final resting place ... Heaven on Earth ... The taste of the nectar of the forbidden fruit ... The cashew I chewed upon ... The Apple ... Custard apples that nearly bled me to death ... The parrot parody at Akaashwani ... The berries in the Graveyard ... No fear ... Just fun ... Living by the Sea and dipping in each day.

Moments that rev me up ... moments that give me a kick ... a high no drug can give ... your Childhood lived again.

Seeking moments ...

Torn apart by the desire to be together ...
Torn by the distance ...
We seek moments of togetherness ...
In the company of others.

We meet where the rest of the World meets ...
In an open forum ...
Under the Sun, Moon and the Stars.

In the Court of the Almighty ...
We are but innocent Lovers ...
We love the togetherness of words ...
That bind us to each other.

The nights long but not lonely ...
As you lull me to sleep ...
I know truly where I belong ...
In your strong arms ...
To begin with.

Seeking moments ...
Seeking solace ...
Seeking togetherness ...
Seeking blessings ...
We seek ourselves within ...
Each other and the bountiful nature.

Seeking moments ...
Loving each other ...
We seek happy moments ...
In feelings unknown to others.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Looking Forward ...

Jaan .... Looking forward to being with you soon ...
A whole new life ahead ...
A whole new realm ...
Quality time spent together ...
A lifetime's dream achieved.

Waiting for the day to arrive ...
When you shall whisk me up in your arms ...
Strong arms ... Benevolent eyes ...
Love drops everywhere ...
Spring in our lives.

Waiting for the long drives ...
Walks besides the Sea ...
Sitting on a hill top ...
Watching Dawn break ....
Waiting for the Spring to come ...
With spring in my steps ...
Love you Baby ...
Sweet nothings ...
Is all I wanna hear.

Looking forward to meeting you ...
Rushing to the door ...
Every footstep ...
Every ring ....
Makes me jump upright ...
Rushing to see if you are there.

Love you Papa Bear.

The Last Stroke ...

One Stroke at Midnight ... Changed the fate of a Nation ...
One stroke you speak of ...
A mention meant for me ...
When do you intend to use it?
Do you have the guts ....
To face the Truth?
A truth you so conveniently want to overlook ...
You trail ...
I blaze your path ...
Am the Trailblazer ...
Am the fire of wrath.

Know this for sure ...
Am not alone in this endeavour ...
The hand of destiny plays a vital part ...
May your path never cross mine ...
For I crush anything that crosses mine.

Am no Stone to Crush ...
Am heavy metal that doesn't rust ...
You are just a vermin ...
Scurrying along my path ...
And, I love swatting flies.

The Last Stroke of Thor's HAMMER ...
My Hammer ...
Shall seal your FATE.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Oh Darling! ...

Darling ... You are amazing ...
Such relentless pursuit ...
Pursuit for happiness  ...
Am glad you are a part of my life ...
An irreparable damage to my heart ...
You just tore it open and ....
Entered the feeling zone ...
Love you for the courage you display.
Love my Eagle of the Sky ...
Your quality ... Your Attitude Sweetheart ....

When it rains ...
All other birds take shelter ...
The Eagle ...
He soars above the clouds ...
And avoids the rain.
You are my Eagle ....
Soaring above ...
Above clouds of destruction ...
Keeping an eye out for me.....
Love you for being there ...
Oh Darling! I want no one else.

Every moment ... every act ...
I think of you ....
Whether you would approve of it or not ...
My heart deceits me ...
My being your slave.

Love you ...
This ode is for you PAPA BEAR ....
I Love YOU.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Puzzle ... for you to solve ...

Come on! Be a sport ...
There's a puzzle in store ...
For you to solve ...
A riddle to riddle your mind ...
A load of crap in your hind.

There's no escaping ...
A sharp mind ...
A person that can see through ...
The mask you so project ...
A shrewd Bitch ...
You may be ...
A gamer I am ...
How can you escape me?

I shoot unruly streetdogs ...
A passion I so dislike ...
Yet, what to do ...
I have a job in hand...
To rid the World of sinners ...
Escapists behind innocent looking smiles..
Faceless names ... Nameless games ...
Fowls that I skin alive.

Come Ye! Come All ...
Under the scanner are ye all ...
You rub me on the wrong side ...
I Erase you from the Earth.

I am who I am ...
And, I know you fear me ...
You dread me being around ...
Your fears not unfounded ...
My persona is such ...
Even the greatest run around ...
They unload in their pants ...
Which you do ...
When you read my words each day.

Don't I know you trail me ...
Trail me yes...
From behind ...
Always a step behind.
You can't overtake me ...
Nor can you walk along ...
Such a sorry figure ...
Just a wannabe tagging behind.

A Puzzle for you to solve am I ....
A riddle to think about ..
Your sleepless nights ....
A general attribute of mine.

Come shout out ...
Cry your heart out ...
A melancholy and sad being ...
You are nothing but a grape gone sour ...
A tune that's gone awry.

By encroaching upon my World ...
You sealed your fate ...
O' wretched woman ...
With equally wretched fate ...
All the money in the World ...
Will not get you real honey ...
No real Love ...
Nor real people ...
Just  a virtual life ...
That's what you are resigned to.

A puzzle ... Your own life ...
A riddle you are to yourself ...
Look within and find the answer ...
Find a way outta the maze....
This is but a phase ...
You are enmeshed in a wretched World ...
A web clinging to you ...
Ensnared and desperate you sound...
In a world of make believe.

A puzzled life ...
A Rubik cube to be solved.