Monday, January 7, 2013

The Last Stroke ...

One Stroke at Midnight ... Changed the fate of a Nation ...
One stroke you speak of ...
A mention meant for me ...
When do you intend to use it?
Do you have the guts ....
To face the Truth?
A truth you so conveniently want to overlook ...
You trail ...
I blaze your path ...
Am the Trailblazer ...
Am the fire of wrath.

Know this for sure ...
Am not alone in this endeavour ...
The hand of destiny plays a vital part ...
May your path never cross mine ...
For I crush anything that crosses mine.

Am no Stone to Crush ...
Am heavy metal that doesn't rust ...
You are just a vermin ...
Scurrying along my path ...
And, I love swatting flies.

The Last Stroke of Thor's HAMMER ...
My Hammer ...
Shall seal your FATE.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Oh Darling! ...

Darling ... You are amazing ...
Such relentless pursuit ...
Pursuit for happiness  ...
Am glad you are a part of my life ...
An irreparable damage to my heart ...
You just tore it open and ....
Entered the feeling zone ...
Love you for the courage you display.
Love my Eagle of the Sky ...
Your quality ... Your Attitude Sweetheart ....

When it rains ...
All other birds take shelter ...
The Eagle ...
He soars above the clouds ...
And avoids the rain.
You are my Eagle ....
Soaring above ...
Above clouds of destruction ...
Keeping an eye out for me.....
Love you for being there ...
Oh Darling! I want no one else.

Every moment ... every act ...
I think of you ....
Whether you would approve of it or not ...
My heart deceits me ...
My being your slave.

Love you ...
This ode is for you PAPA BEAR ....
I Love YOU.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Puzzle ... for you to solve ...

Come on! Be a sport ...
There's a puzzle in store ...
For you to solve ...
A riddle to riddle your mind ...
A load of crap in your hind.

There's no escaping ...
A sharp mind ...
A person that can see through ...
The mask you so project ...
A shrewd Bitch ...
You may be ...
A gamer I am ...
How can you escape me?

I shoot unruly streetdogs ...
A passion I so dislike ...
Yet, what to do ...
I have a job in hand...
To rid the World of sinners ...
Escapists behind innocent looking smiles..
Faceless names ... Nameless games ...
Fowls that I skin alive.

Come Ye! Come All ...
Under the scanner are ye all ...
You rub me on the wrong side ...
I Erase you from the Earth.

I am who I am ...
And, I know you fear me ...
You dread me being around ...
Your fears not unfounded ...
My persona is such ...
Even the greatest run around ...
They unload in their pants ...
Which you do ...
When you read my words each day.

Don't I know you trail me ...
Trail me yes...
From behind ...
Always a step behind.
You can't overtake me ...
Nor can you walk along ...
Such a sorry figure ...
Just a wannabe tagging behind.

A Puzzle for you to solve am I ....
A riddle to think about ..
Your sleepless nights ....
A general attribute of mine.

Come shout out ...
Cry your heart out ...
A melancholy and sad being ...
You are nothing but a grape gone sour ...
A tune that's gone awry.

By encroaching upon my World ...
You sealed your fate ...
O' wretched woman ...
With equally wretched fate ...
All the money in the World ...
Will not get you real honey ...
No real Love ...
Nor real people ...
Just  a virtual life ...
That's what you are resigned to.

A puzzle ... Your own life ...
A riddle you are to yourself ...
Look within and find the answer ...
Find a way outta the maze....
This is but a phase ...
You are enmeshed in a wretched World ...
A web clinging to you ...
Ensnared and desperate you sound...
In a world of make believe.

A puzzled life ...
A Rubik cube to be solved.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Impotent potency ...

Hmmm ... Potent impotency ...
Or, Impotent potency ...
All the same ... Just twisted ....
A sly aim at impotent humans ...
And, potent possibilities.

You really have to wrack your brains ...
The grey matter to fathom what I imply ...
Commoners, thinking uncommon ...
An uncanny feeling within ...
Restless motions ...
Bladders full ...
Yet incontinence due to continuity.

Hard to decipher ...
A code written ...
In words above ...
Read between the statements to know what I mean ...
But, know not for you are but a commoner.

A common misnomer ...
A threat by and large ...
I loom large above you ...
Towering tall ...
High and mighty ...
I am the power you dread ...
Day in and Day out ...
You glance behind ...
To see if I am there ...
Tailing you or not.

Your fears are unfounded ...
Look deep within ...
The rogue who has hounded ...
Is your own self ...
With self inflicted wounds ...
You are but a shallow self ...
Of what could have been.

Do not laugh ...
Your impotency shows through ...
Potential you have not ...
Impotent potency aplenty.

Inner Peace ...

Some take ages and a whole life time ... yet find no peace ... Inner peace .... I have found my peace ... My inner peace.

My inner peace is being happy and content with what I have ... Whatever I wish for .... I get without asking ... isn't that a sign that divine blessings have been bestowed upon me. Next to impossible for some but not for me. Am at peace and content with the way my life is today.

With the love of my life standing tall and regal next to me ... With everything falling in place for me ... I am happy ... Inner peace and calm sweeping over me.

Am overwhelmed with the grace of the supreme being bringing warmth and happiness in my life this Winter .. that this has become a symbol of lasting love to me.

My life coming one full circle ... Moksha attained on Earth. Something people search in vain ... I attained with being a Karmayogi. May seem silly but I believe you get everything here on earth ... Your Heaven and Your Hell here itself.... crystal clear justice.

The power of the Supreme Being cannot be denied ... or overlooked ... The power that brings you your justice here on Earth.

I have attained my Inner Peace ... am happy with the turn of events ... He by my side  ... what else is needed to be successful? Love and peace ... My story ... My life ... A beautiful example ... some events just change the whole story ... Twist the tale in your favour.

My tale ... my Story ... my Inner Peace ... Neither a fable nor a myth ... Blatant Reality.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Abhinav saverey ka Sapna ... You passed your own VERDICT

Ek nayi subah ... something new ...
Ek Abhinav savera ...
Saath mein ek sunhara Sapna...

Guess.... all these mobile companies should get such good lines for their mobile ringtones. Companies like Reliance where employees are always on Social Networking sites having fun at the company's expense .... Tata Docomo ... no wonder it's not doing too well coz' again their partners busy flirting around .. playing bouncers for unknown women. Gosh! What has this country come to ... false faces ... false names ... and yet people go after the Government ... Government has failed coz' we have such people in our Country who think they are talking sense but in reality just pure nonsense.

People... people ... double faced people ... not personalities ... just commoners trying to live an alternate life ... getting a high from it ... just for the thrill of it .... Husbands and wives with multiple fake accounts ... guess  this is their level of imagination ... flirt and have fun ... get a high to keep their relationships happy.

But, frankly asking ... Are they really happy? They seek solace in a virtual World ... real World just a step away ... yet living a false life ... leading into false hopes and dreams.

Pristine green hills behind ... A beautiful sanctuary in City life .... yet people running around ... in a World beyond ... Machine world with wires for company ... and faceless names and treachery in a summary.

Sad truth ... but, truth after all .... Cranky brains ... Illogical thoughts ... that's all to their being... Living in make believe World ... Grow up they haven't yet ... Still in the World of dreams and creams .... mechanical in their daily purpose ... living robot like .... partying thinking that is life ... that's no life .... just a mirage ... nothing but a slippery fall once reality strikes.

Next door neighbours of mine ... Yet unaware of me ... Today you stand exposed with all your falsehood steeped in my grey matter ... The truth exposed ... bare naked ... you stand before me ... I am no judge ... you passed your own VERDICT.

If I get down to unmasking the so called Zorros ... an upheaval it shall cause ... so beware O nincompoops ... don't walk tall like a Peacock ... There is nothing to be proud in your hour of shame.

Wait for the New Dawn ... the brand New Morning ... Abhinav Savera ... Ek Sapna ... Mein hoon kaun?   ... The New DON.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Silly feeling ...

You are getting a silly feeling!
What kind of a feeling is it?
Is it that you are just too happy?
Or, You dread being in love with me?

Nah.. Silly me!

I know you care a lot ...
You worry a lot for me ...
Am fine dear ... Just wrapped in work ...
There is no substitute for Hard work ...
And, In my zest to make a mark ...
Carve a niche' ...
Am neglecting you a bit ...
Aren't you proud of who I am ...
endless possibilities waiting to embrace me ...
Just like you ...
Waiting ...
All I need to do is ...
Take that first step ...
Towards you and...
The opportunities knocking at my door.

A silly feeling it is ...
Just silly ... Nothing to it ...
Am fine ... Just a bit busy ...
But you are never far from me ...
Always in my thoughts ...
Permanent in my heart.

You are a pertinent part of my life ...
Important for my self realization ...
Important for my actualization ...
Imperative to my emotional well being ...
You are YOU and no one can take that place ....
You are my own ...
My final call ...
My Love ... My Life ...
None can take that away from you .. what is yours... is yours only....
A commitment for next life.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

On this day ...

On this day of The first day of January 2013, a Tuesday ... I proclaim and openly so ... my love for my beloved Papa Bear .... My stoic, cool , a bit Crazy, lovable, mildly irritating, patient, foolish at times, Strong, yet silent .... Papa Bear, Papa Bear ... I just happen to love you out of the blue .. yeah met you when I was feeling the blues ... you made me surface from my vain attempts at drowning ... Yeah, I love you for saving me .... I love you for being there ... And Here today.

Your gift to me ... your heart ... cut open ... bleeding yet throbbing .... Just for me ... I can never match up to it ... a brilliantly beautiful gift ... your love ... I thrive in it.

You are my very own ... and shall remain so till eternity .. even death cannot part us now ... through life and it's travails ... I travel beside you .... My love am there always ... in your heart and soul ... am the very essence that defines our love.

The colour of Love ... A deep crimson ... silky touch and fabric so soft ... I love the gift of love and On this day ... I write my heart to you ... I will it to you ... It's yours to take .. forever yours and mine to give.

This day I dedicate my life to your service ... yes. service at your beck and call... Always ...

On this day ... I say am Crazily in LOVE with you Papa Bear ...