Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sacch kehnde si .... Rabb...

Tussi sacch kehnde pae ho ji ....
Rabb dil vich rehnda si ...
Te Auliya da hukum haiga....
Sab nu pyar kar ....
Par insaan jo hota hai ...
Woh iss gal nu kadi nahi maanta...
Woh bas apni vaasna ki poorti karta haiga...
Te unno chhadd ke chala jandaa hai....
Jo sachche dil se unno pyar kar di si.

Tussi sacchi sacch kainda si ...
Par eh toh kadwa sacch haiga...
Ki Duniya vich ab pyar nahi bacha...
Jo bacha so hai thoda sa waqt ....
Phir sab andhiyaara....
Phir naa Sohni hogi na Mahiwal...
Naa Shirin hogi na Farhad ...
Naa Reshma te na Shera....
Bass hogi jag hasaiyee ...
Pyar ki ... iqraar ki ...
Aur kuch nahi hoga.

Plucked Flowers....

Flowers ... beautiful and fragrant ....
Men pluck them ....
For their own happiness ..
Men pluck flowers ...
For wooing women ....
They pluck them and leave them in books ...
To dry and remain forever in the name of love ....
They pluck flowers and crush them ...
And ....then ...
They have the cheek to proclaim ..
They have no liking for plucked flowers.
Such men SUCK big time....
They are bloody wilted twigs...
Weaklings .... showing strength behind fake names....
Real life Eunuchs ... having fun with plucked flowers and then leaving them aside....
Plucking more plucked flowers from decaying bouquets...
And proclaiming undying love ....
To the woman waiting at home.
Suckers ..... They ought to be bobbitized ....
Then shall the plucked flowers .... rise and shine again....
At least the plucked flowers have some use ...
They have lived their life to the fullest ...
Given joy to others ....
What has the wilted weak twig given?
Nothing ... He is just another twig to be burnt to ashes.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Devil within...

We all have it ....
The little devil within....
We are all devils without the horns ...
Yes.... but where's the trident ... That he holds?

The devil within ...
In childhood makes us do innocent mischief .....
In teens ... rebellious outrages....
In young adulthood... crimes of passion ...
In oldage ....
It is just too tired ....
Yet, it is still existent ....
Upto some mischief or the other ...
But, yet again ...
Cute mischief ....
Coz' It ain't all that bad....
It's just our self ... That needs recognition...
So, does things that don't suit our persona per se.

The devil within....
Wants us to acknowledge its presence....
Wants us to know ...
It has feelings too....
Needs .... unmet needs...
Silent needs ....
Loud despicable needs...
Needs stifled by societal taboos....
Needs ... plain and simple needs ...
Of a human mind ... trapped in a mortal body....
A mind with infinite possibilities...
Infinite probabilities ....
An infinity within an inferno ...
Desires of the devil ....
Lots of desires .....
Unwarranted for actions .... for fulfilling those desires...
Chained aspirations ...
Unchained emotional outbursts.
The devil within ...
The suppressed desire....
The oppressed woman ....
The ostracized soul ....
The categorized human....
One and all the same.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Inspire me....

Inspire me .... my muse ....
I say ... to the reflection ....
I whisper in the ears of the person ...
Looking  lovingly at me ....
And, the act begins.

Inspire me for greatness .....
Greatness within ...
Not for the World to witness....
But, for me to experience ...
Just like yesterday .....
Yesterday was a great day ....
A day I felt I had achieved something ....
A bit but every drop that falls makes an ocean.

Someone up there really likes me ....
Gives me problems only I can solve ....
Gives me the strength to be the best ...
In whatever that I do.

Ah, yes! You may think this is narcissism...
But, heck no ....
It ain't...
It is but a thanks to the Supreme power ....
For having faith in me....
A never dying .... never ending faith....
In my ability .. to surface unscathed ....
Albeit a bit tired and at times frustrated ...
Yet, a wholesome being ...
Content by herself ... in being who she is....
An entity ..... an identity....
Of her own ...
Despite adversity ....
Standing tall .... with him watching over me all the time.

Inspire me ... to be the best further....
Send more challenges my way ....
Success gives a high ....
That no drug can match.
I don't match my success with money ...
My success is the countless smiles ...
Of the little ones that look upto me....
They motivate me to be who I am .....
The best.... The best of them all.

Innssspppiiiirre ME ....

Friday, November 2, 2012

Difficulties.... they strengthen me...

Yeah! Difficulties ... make me stronger ...
Calamities .... Strengthen my resolve....
Adversity in the face ... make me smile brighter....
That's the fundamentals ... to live by ....
That's the thought that weakens the devil.
I am a woman ....
Every woman within me ...
The strength of a woman unmatched ...
Though I walk alone ...
There are multiples that walk behind me.
I set an example ....
Others follow.....
That's what leaders are for ....
Being forward ...way ahead of their times....
I am way ahead of others ...
Coz' I have the conviction ...
To say and do as I please ...
I don't bend when adversity strikes...
I keep my head held high.
I am every woman .....
Yet, I am ME....
Difficulties ... they strengthen me.

The colour Red ....

The colour Red .... makes me see Red....
Red ... in the lipstick I wear ...
Red... in the dress I wear ....
Red ... in the food I eat ....
Red chillies ...
Red Lipstick ...
Red Dress....
Red Vermillion ....
The red of my life ....
Blood ....
The lost one ... swathed in red.....
The red in the sleep deprived eyes ...
The angry veins erupting .....
Yes, Red ... everywhere ...
Not the colour of love ....
Not the colour of passion ...
Not the colour of Valentines ...
Just ... simply RED .....
The colour of the vehicle ....
The colour of the lipstick ...
The colour of my blood soaked baby.
An anger erupts ....
Only to be soothed by the thought ....
Of the cuffs that he wore....
That gives me pleasure...
The shamed look in his eyes...
Ashamed and guilty of his crime ....
No.... That's not peace ....
Peace is yet to come ....
A long awaited peace ....
When he loses ... What I lost.
The colour Red.

Cheese ....

Say Cheese ...
And, something melts within ...
Say cheese ...
And, you can feel the taste within ....
Mmmmm... yummmm....
Different flavours ....
Different kinds....
Just like the moments in our life ...
Cheesy moments ...
Soft cheese... hard cheese ....
Melting cheese.... stinky yet the most perfect ... CHEESE.
Best had with wine...
The cheese melts in the mouth ...
Gourmet taste ....
Delicatessen cheese....
Connoisseurs cheese....
My cheese ...
My life .... Just like cheese....
Matured ... Cured ....
Having a long shelf life ...
Gone through hardships ...
Yet soft, subtle ... strong flavoured cheese ....
With White bubbly to go with it.
Champagne as bubbly as me ....
As pure and delicately flavoured as me....
As exclusive as me ...
Found only in the best homes.
Cheese .... made from the best goat milk... or Cow's milk ...
Found in the hills of Europe...
The grass and the herbs giving their flavour....
The cold and yeast the taste....
The more it ferments ....
The more it cures ...
The more it's value raised.
Cheese ... from homes of the Nobles ...
To homes of the herdsmen ....
All the same ...
Yet, differently prized by them all ....
All cheese go through the churning ...
The cyclone within ...
Yet, it all comes out ....
As the taste of the elite.
Say cheese ... differently ...
Say Cheese ... similarly ....
Cheese is cheese...
Same as life ...
Brought about with love and care...
Cured through times...
Yet, enjoyed by all....
Same as life.....
Through ups and downs ....
Yet a life lived to the fullest.
Full Cheese .... Fuller Life.

Karvachauth..... A farce women believe in ....

Karvachauth .....
Does it really stand the test of time?
In today's times ....
Does it really have any meaning?
Do people really keep the fast with the same feelings over a period of time?
No, They don't.
It has just become another ritual to show off ....
Your jewellery ...
Your social status.....
Your false sense of belonging to a man....
His false act of being the ideal husband.....
Nah... Just a false belief ...
Just a false ritual ....
Married whores...
Staying in a loveless marriage ...
Just for the sake of comfort and riches...
Nothing else...
Spreading their legs for a man ....
Who must have done it to half a dozen others during the day....
And, at night with half a dozen others.
The one wearing the Red Vermillion waiting upon her so called husband....
Actually waiting upon the moon to show up ...
So that she can eat her food.... Hungry women...
Only a grand show of grandiose tomfoolery.
The very essence of true love ...
Has been lost forever ....
What with marriages fixed for material gains....
What with feelings expressed to fool someone....
Yet, I keep this tradition alive ...
Albeit not for anyone anymore ...
For myself ....
For the woman in love with the supreme being ...
The one who makes the World come alive.
A farce women want to believe in ....
Karvachauth.... a false belief ... nothing else...
The men for whom they keep this fast ...
Fast asleep in someone else's arms.