Saturday, October 22, 2011

Any time any day....

Ask me to write.....
And, anytime any day I would write.
Ask me to lament....
And, anytime any day I would lament.
Ask me to nag.... My favourite passtime....
And, anytime any day I would nag.

Any time any day....
Ask me to love...
And, Love I would...
In all senses and deep rooted meanings of the word...
I swear I would love.
That's not my passtime , it's my time pass. Lol!!!

Surprised! The frigid maiden and love...
Yup, the frigid maiden can love and let love.
Love alone drives her...
Love makes her alive...
Love is the potion she drinks...
Love is the burden she carries.
Love she does....
In all its totality....
After all, she was born out of love.

Any time any day, ask me to smile...
Smile I would...
That's my forte'...
It comes naturally to me.

Ah, anger! Anytime any day ask me to get angry....
Rub me on the wrong side and lo behold!...
There I am, the angry self...
The angry woman....
Nothing can save you from me then and there ....
And, all is lost forever.
Bad, very bad...But,...
My anger knows no bounds....
My anger has burnt my house down....
My anger has splintered my life....
My anger is my own doing.
Control it, I can't.....
It just erupts out of nowhere.....
And, in that moment...
That very moment.....
My whole world falls apart.

But, what the heck....
I move on....
Bag and baggage....
In search of new abode.....
A new world to make...
A new world to explore.

Any time any day...
My suitcase is always ready...
Come join me in my journey...
But, don't rub me on the wrong side.

Friday, October 21, 2011

It all balances out.....

Yup, It does....
It all balances out...
Life's ups and downs..
They all come and go...
We go through a gamut of emotions...
Yet, we hold on strong....
We hold on....always....
Hold on to our beliefs and faith...
Hold on ...cling on..
Yet, ....
It all balances out...
And, we move on...
Move on, we do...
Yes, we move on...
Eyes searching for.....
That familiar face....
In the crowd...
The scar visible...
The pain in the eye..
The sly smile on the lips...
That face...
Can't forget it...
Yet.... It all balances out.

SPARKLE misses the spark....

Yup, no doubts about it. Sparkles moved on... Sparkles let go.... But, Sparkles is human.... Sparkles couldn't forget.... And hasn't forgotten..... Sparkle still checks you out....Sparkle still seeks you out... Sparkle still keeps an eye on you..... She is still there, where you left her..... Yes, she wandered..... listlessly. She groped in the dark...fell in ditches and hurt herself.... But, she came back to the same place, where you abandoned her....She stood there and decided to wait..... eternally.

Sparkle misses the spark in her life. She has no fire left within...just smouldering ash... that can still burn.Wretched is the word that best describes her state.........lonely is her soul. The spark that was there has diminished.... no life left within. You, I guess moved on.... she stood there.... timelessly and still...she stood staring into every face that passed by....searching for that familiar smile.

Sparkles missed the bus.... but, she walked on and on.... patiently waiting with abated breath for that one sign that said the signal was green. The signal never turned green.... she kept staring... the passers by came and went.... she stood steadfast... come hail and thunderstorm... she stood .... like that puppy dog...with the tongue hanging out and a loving look in the eye.

The world moved on..... Sparkles didn't. She thought she did, but she didn't. She was still there, she is still there.

Sparkle misses the spark........Come Diwali, and memories would come haunting...the sparklers being lit as a family will burn all senses down.

Sparkles misses the spark.

Lashing out....

Lashing out in desperation...
Lashing out in frustration...
Lashing out in exasperation...
Lashing out in anger....
Isn't that what we do best....
When we are really down and out?

Been there, done that......
Yup, I have been there....
And, done all that....
Yet, at the end of the day...
I am here to stay....
Connected with the lot....
That really was not.

Time and again...
I have been tested....
My patience...
My values...
My integrity....
I have scored full on that...
Until... I lash out...
I lash out in my anger...
I lash out in desperation...
I lash out in frustration...
Lash out, I do....
Lash out, I will...
If after all that I do....
My dues are not awarded to me.

My patience knows no bounds....
So does my anger....
My anger does me in....
My patience does me in too.
I am two ends of a line....
Two far ends...
Yet connected...
But, so disconnected....
One differing from another....
But ends they are.

Lashing out is my way....
Is my way of letting all know...
I exist.... I don't subsist....
Don't take me for granted....
I am me, myself....
Don't rub me on the wrong side...
Am not here for you...
Am here for my own self.

Lashing out....
Is my way of reaching out.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am alive.....

Glad to say....
And to your disappointment.....
I am alive.....
And kicking....
Thriving in an environment of discontent....
Yet living....
I am alive...alive am I.

A life I chose...
Away from yours....
I live and let live....
Isn't that what we all believe in...
believing in my belief...
I live... I am alive.

There's something to celebrate...
Some occasions to mourn...
Yet live I do...
Celebrating the little things...
Moving on ...
And letting go...
You too on the way....
A long way to go...
Yet, Go I will...
Move on I shall.....
I live .... I am alive.

There comes a time when all's not well....
There are times when I feel weak....
Yet, I am strong....
I know, I am......
I tackle it all....
I challenge the adversity.....
How much will it try me?...
Try, it should...
Full on....
Yet, I live... I am alive...
I am kicking....
Kicking butts for a living...
Living, I am....
Live, I do...
I am alive.

Somewhere down the memory lane...
I lost you...
Somehow, I moved on...
You found me....
I was glad...
Yet, you got lost again...
I moved on.
I lost my innocence....
Looking for you....
I lost my vanity....
Searching for you....
I lost myself......
When I lost you...
I lost you, yes I did....
Yet, I moved on....
I am living....
I live....
I am alive.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Flavor of love....

Ice cream, honey, almonds, peach....Nope that's not the flavor of love...The flavor of love lies in...The word itself. So self explanatory and delicate. So soft yet so strong.... a strong flavor indeed. It has me gasping for air.... exploring for new words to describe the feeling each time.

Flavorsome indeed it is. Having the flavor of the season within arms reach and looking at a new experience each day. People look at us with raised eyebrows... a physical mismatch... no eye candy at all.... but still so much in love and with batting eyelids and love struck looks within. The love speaks it all.... the flavor lingers on... in the air, in the looks and in the eyes. The aroma of fresh love wafting all over the countryside... for all to sample and partake of and pull my legs of
The flavor of love is varied. Not one to ever describe it's value. When it's there in your life, you are the happiest. When it's gone..... the flavor turns sour or bitter. But, flavorsome it is , in all seasons at all times. Am loving it..... tasted life through love and mind it... It's beautiful...very tasty indeed.

Going Bonkers...Absolutely Bonkers...

Yup, am going bonkers...Bonkers about life....No, not exasperated....But, separated....from reality....Actually overlooking it. Hahaha! One could really comment... Radhika... You are going Bonkers.
Am doing things that aren't me at all. Am experimenting with life all over again. All because I believe I am in love all over again. But, this time round, there is a reality check and at every step there is a doubt..... of course, I overlook it always as before.
I take risks. Am taking a risk but what the heck! It's my life. And, my life has always been about risks and decisions that have backfired or gone down the drain, yet I stood up every time I fell and moved on.
Now too, am all over mooning about the new love and excitement in my life and am happy being with the person who doesn't mince words, who doesn't say 'I Love You' frivolously. In fact, he doesn't say it at all. And, that is what turns me on coz' without saying he says it all ... his actions speak louder.

He is different. So unlike the countless others in the past. Maybe that's why he caught my eye. He is DIFFERENT.

Am bonkers and in love again and am loving it. Eeeeeeks...... am having fun at my expense and am loving it. There will be more in this series of this seasons love affair.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My blogs, my reality.....

My blogs are my reality...They bring me alive, they keep me going.... Had it not been for my blogs, I would have been lost somewhere in the meandering lanes of the city.... wandering listlessly, wondering what to do. MY WORDS KEEP ME TICKING, THEY ARE THE JUICE OF MY LIFE... FLOWING AND EXPRESSIVE. They help me let the steam out.... my companions when I have nothing to do... I read them over and over again.  People come and go, but my words remain ; rock solid by my side.... I know, the world can  take my all but not my thoughts, not my words.... They are my reality... am the wordsmith .... I am the owner of them all.

The letters of the alphabet are my magic spells. All I need is to wave my wand and they turn into reality, a sensuous flow of emotions... a sporadic flow of thoughts.... words, words everywhere and lots to write about. This life ain't enough for my words to spill out of my wand.... It would take many more lives to live to get it all. Time i running out, am short of time.... my words are dammed and jammed in my head.... my fingers can't type faster than my thoughts... need to move faster, write more... getting it all out...throwing up words of passion... lines of verse unknown.... paragraphs on life and its bounties.... stories untold... secrets unfurled.....dramas unfolding..... that's my life....a  basket of words... a bouquet of verses  and songs unsung.

My blogs are my reality.... they are my story, my life and my REALITY SHOW.