Monday, July 18, 2011

Stay focused....

Yup, Stay focused Radhika...
Stay grounded Radhika...
Yet not again Radhika....
Stay away Radhika.......
A constant dilemma...
I face every moment....
I look at my cellphone.... I look at my netbook....
But, I can't , can't just stay away...
Stay Focused O' mind of mine....
Stay on the path you have chosen...
Don't let anything or anyone....
Stop you from becoming what you can....
No, I don't want roses...
I don't want thorns...
I don't need a companion...
I am better left alone....
I don't want emotions...
I don't want pain....
Leave me alone....
Just let me be...
Somebody stop me as the MASK said...
I say too.... Stop Radhika.`..
Right there in your tracks...
Tread no further....
There is pain in there...
Stay focused..
Stay grounded..
Stand tall...
Unwavering and avoid a fall.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Someone to talk to....

I needed someone to talk to...
I needed someone to confide in....
 Guess I found that one person in you....
Is it really true?...
I dunno....
All I know is that ...
Today at the end of the day...
Am a happy soul going to bed.

You may find it astonishing...
But in you I found a buddy...
Whom I can open up to....
Unabashedly, shamelessly ..
Yet happy in the knowledge ...
That I have been heard....
Am really a happy soul ...
Going to bed... all alone``.... yet happy.`

The last hug.....

I remember the last hug....
The last embrace.....
The memory lingers on......
Maybe an entire lifetime... It might remain...
We were so close...
Nothing in between...
Just plain emotions and passion...
Where did it all go....
Where did you disappear...
I pine for your love...
I crave for your attention....
I miss being with you......
I miss your lips and the warm kisses...
Those stolen moments....
Why did you change?....
It wasn't called for....
I didn't change...
Time didn't change...
But your emotions changed...
Your attitude changed...
And I was left stranded....
Holding my wounded heart...
Crying my soul away....
I remember the last hug...
I remember the last embrace...
It was warm...
So full of love and joy...
An inner peace had enveloped me...
Yet am disturbed today.

Why did you change?...
Where did it all go wrong?...
Questions to which you hold the answers...
Not me...
You hold the key to unlock your heart...
Stony heart that is.

Let the rains wash my tears away....

It's raining ... It's pouring...
What a rhyme...
But a different way to put my thoughts through...
Let the downpour...
Flood my bleeding heart...
And let it take the outpour of emotions with it ....
Let the rains wash my tears away.....
Let it smoothen my aching heart...
Let the pain ebb.. let it hurt.....
It's like the tide, which waxes and wanes with the moon....
Let it come... am all set to take it in my stride...
Am game for the fight.............

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Master of my fate.... Captain of my soul...

Yes you are....
Master of my fate and the captain of my soul...
You steer my ship through turbulent waters ...
You manoevure the boat to safe shores...
My navigator on starless nights...
My beacon from lighthouse far out..

Rocky shores and rough weather...
Do not affect me...
When I set sail with you...
Monsters and creatures from depths unknown....
Stay away when they know...
My master and commander is with me.

You are the star spangled night's guide....
You are the seagull that gives hope...
You are the Albatross on rocky mountains...
Giving hope to this weary traveller....
It's time to come home O' sailor...
Of deep blue sea....
My lover, my life....
I await you with open arms...
An embrace to comfort your tired soul.....
Master of my fate.... Captain of my soul....
I am all ready to set sail with you.....
I love you.

You are the one for whom I breathe today.....

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

And, you my love stand tall....
You are the one I look upto...
You are the one I live and die for....

Never, ever, ever think that your life is over, but know always that each day, each hour, each moment is another beginning, another opportunity, another chance to re-create yourself anew.
Neale Donald Walsch

My love , your words bring tears of joy in my eyes.....
I know my man is the bestest of them all....
No one can match your persona....
You are who you are ....
And am proud of you.

You came back in my life ..
When I was down and out....
You held my hand....
You pulled me out of my swamp....
You are the one I live and die for...
You are the one for whom I breathe today...
You are in every breath of mine...
You ride every wave of my heart beat....
You make my world a place to live in...
Your thought brings a smile to my lips...
And when I smile...
The world smiles with me...
So my dear, you are the one who.... 
Spreads the cheer in this world..
You are my world...
You are my whole and soul...

You are the one for whom I breathe today and everyday.....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The woman pours her heart out....I am a woman too....

The woman pours her heart out ...
And he mutters what a sham...
I say, what with her emotions welling up within her...
Let her pour it out...
He queries, then why do you get affected?
I reply, with tears in my eyes..... I am a woman too.

I am destiny's child.... watched by someone up above....
What designs he has for me... he knows...
I know, I have to follow my heart...
Follow my man.... wherever he leads me...
I trust him.... I am his child to spoil....
Am spoilt silly by him always...
I love him from ages ago....
He was always there in every step of my life ....
Though as a far fetched thought...
Attached to others along the journey of life....
My man was tied up in affairs that left him ....
Bereft of any feelings....
With a bitter aftertaste in his mouth...
He had become a sorry shadow of his regal self....
He found me.... destiny...
I accepted him.... My destiny....
Now, a new story unfurls....
A new saga to tell....
 A new poem to be written...
 A fable to be remembered always...
I am a woman .... his woman....
His story to write with me ... is my goal...
Let the ball roll.....

I love the way he looks at me...
I remember his touch.... so gentle...
His kiss... so passionate...
Lest I lose myself here itself.....
I better put a full stop to this outburst of emotions...
Love my man..... not known to love anyone ever so much....
Man, I love you my soul mate...
You know me so well....
Every emotion... every unspoken word...
I am a woman.... your woman...
And I pour my heart out to you....
I know, you are waiting to read this outpouring....
I write for you and you only.....
I am a woman in love....
I am your woman...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The wrath of a woman scorned....

God forbid the wrath of a woman scorned........
She raves and rants...
She  digs her nails in his flesh and tears him apart.
This is what she is doing .... to him... my love...
He turns and squirms in pain...
Not a word from his mouth...
A painful, hurt in his eyes ...
I am helpless I can't wipe...
I wish I could embrace him ..
And wipe his tears of despair...
I know you are hurting baby..
I am always there.

I read her work and understand her...
Fathom her feelings and shame...
She is brazenly shameless...
A stigma in the name of love.
She left him high and dry...
Stole his status and assets...
What else can he offer her..?
Not his self to this .... witch of the dark night.

She has made life hell for him...
A living hell in which he chose to burn alone...
His skin scorched, his soul roasted...
He still stands tall.

His love for life at a standstill...
He still moves on...
Fulfilling his role......
He tries hard to forget the pain...
Slyly lurking behind his smile......
I can see it....
I want to embrace this giant cauldron of love, passion and pain...
Give him the love he truly deserves....
He is mine ....
 Not hers to break...
I shall cross the ocean to seek his love.......
I shall fight the devil to keep his loving heart joyous....
He deserves the best and ...
He is the best....
He is my man...
And I will make him the happiest.......
His days of agony and pain are over..
Love and happiness has taken over ...
He shall always be his smiling self..
The man I fell in love with eons ago...
My Knight in shining armour...
My love, my life....

The wrath of that woman, shall no more affect him....
I am the balm that heals his wounds...
I am the joy he seeks...
My smiles are for him...
My soul is already his....
We married each other around the fire of love....and the sufferings of ages...
Two souls binding in unison for a heavenly bliss forever.

My love , am waiting....
Am waiting for you ...
My Phoenix...
To rise from the ashes ...
And soar once again...
Majestically across the sky...
And sweep me off my feet ...
Into your arms...your wings...
Big and strong...
My waiting....