Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Retreat #Cocooned

Bogged down with pressures of life ...
She retraces her steps ...
Into the retreat mode ...
Her reclusive self at the forefront...
She weaves a web around her feelings...
She goes into her shell...
There she will lay cocooned ...
For a long long time.

In her melancholy solitude...
She finds a calling ...
A calling so deep ...
It echoes through the depths ...
The depths of a closed mind ...
The universe wakes up...
Conspiring to make her thoughts happen.

The abominable recluse...
Emerges as a butterfly...
Spreading her wings wide ...
She rises from her ashes ...
Like the Phoenix...
Soaring above all.

Cocooned, she heals her wounds ...
Sheds the old persona...
Molting and revolting...
Social norms in the dustbin...
She rises ...
She rises above them all.

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