Sunday, September 30, 2018


" I feel suffocated." He said...
You are just too over possessive...
He had to say something...
Something so that ...
She would go away.

She exposed his character to the World ...
So that he could...
He could get a reason to go away.

She walked away ...
Crossed the road..
That she never crossed alone ...
She didn't turn back...
He knew she had a fear of crossing roads...
He made an offer to help her cross the road...
In a feeble weak whining voice...
She ignored his words...
She walked away ...
Closing the door on his face...
She wasn't weak as he was ...
That moment she had become stronger than him...
Holding herself together...
Stifling the tears...
She walked straight...
Upright in her demeanor...
And, she walked out of his life.

She wrote her feelings ..
Tore them...
Her anger...
Her frustration...
Tore her heart  ...
Poured the anger out ...
And then she was calm...
Calm as the raging Sea...
She erased the written outpour...
She was at peace.

She wasn't suffocating in a dead relationship either.

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