Sunday, September 9, 2018

Derring do...

Getting lost in sheroic tales of love and woes ...
All sorts of Shenanigans...
Derring dos a part of life ...
She starts reimagining.

As a she warrior on the emotional front...
She has lots to keep her occupied...
Her mind a treasure trove of ideas...
Her heart set upon one...
She sashays into places unknown...
Places kept locked...
Unlocking the prisms of reality ...
She is her own heroine.

Her Derring dos talk of the Town...
Hushed whispers...
Eyes following her moves...
She smiles to herself...
Dons her beanie and ...
Hope into a waiting cab.

They whisper...
When will she return...
She throws back a look and...
Says , Never.

The heroine of her own tales...
The Shero of her own life...
She flexes her biceps...
And gets those hamstrings moving.

With a deep breath inhaled...
She gulps down her insecurities...
They don't exist anymore...
For she rises from her ashes yet again...
Her shenanigans and Derring dos...
In her list to do.

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