Tuesday, September 18, 2018

One click at a time...

Deleting memories...
One click at a time.

Every moment conceivable...
Every moment spent in those arms...
Every moment looking into those eyes...
Every moment...
Deleting memories...
One click at a time.

Those moments seem transient now ...
Nothing remains but a dull ache ...
A what if ...
And where did they go wrong?
Deleting memories...
One click at a time.

Those moments of happiness...
Planning a future together...
Dreams big and small...
Beautiful memories...
The long winding drives...
The walks on promenades...
The hushed whispers...
The huddled hugs...
The cuddled moments...
Now just memories...
Deleting memories...
One click at a time.

The impermanence of vows...
The nonchalant attitude...
The falsehood of promises ...
The trust broken...
Deleting memories...
Painful memories...
One click at a time.

A sigh escapes...
Escalating the ache within...
A deep breath and...
A click...
Just another memory deleted...
One more time.

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