Friday, September 28, 2018

Grey blue eyes...

Grey blue eyes ...
Deep set in their gaze ...
A pertinent intense gaze...
And, she melts.

He said, look at my eyes...
Look into them...
Do you see the fierceness?
Do you feel scared?

Look deep, and you shall find ...
They hide nothing...
Yet, they give away nothing.

She falls head over heels ...
For those steely grey blue eyes...
The intensity scorching her...
Feeling the heat ...
She sighs ...
Takes a deep breath and...
Moves away.

To fall in love again isn't what she seeks...
She must move farther away...
She must do other things...
To keep busy...
Not fall in love again.

The cold , grey blue eyes beckon her...
She shuts the voice within...
She picks her hand bag...
And, moves out of his office...
Not turning around...
Lest she falls in love with him.

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