Saturday, October 6, 2018

Down the memory lane...

She walks down the memory lane...
The events of past few days ...
Reminding her of a bygone era...
When she had loved with equal fervor...
The sire of her little ones.
The blasphemy of a lie ...
The betrayal of senses...
The bitter experience of yore...
It affected her psyche'...
It eclipsed her relationship zone ...
Making her vow to remain single.

Once again, she made a mistake...
She put a man on a pedestal and...
She worshipped him...
Once again ...
He betrayed her ...
Once again ...
She had to wipe her tears ...
And become numb to feelings.
She walked away ...
For she didn't want to suffocate him...
She walked away ...
Giving him a reason to go.
She walked away from the senseless drama of life ...
She walked away from a fake relationship.
Just like she walked away decades ago...
From yet another senseless life ...
She chose wrong ...
She had to rectify the mistake...
She walked away from the drama ...
She walked away from the actor...
She visited the lanes of yesteryears...
The ghost of the past sneering at her...
She looked away ...
Wondering why it was still there.

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