Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Not the Cinderella end she expected

Her story...
A fable from the beginning...
The end ...
Not the Cinderella story she expected.
It's so easy to dream of a happily forever...
That never happens...
All that occurs is ...
Heartbreaks of different kinds...
No Cinderella...
No Prince Charming...
Just heartbreaking moments...
With a bitter taste...
And even more bitter aftertaste.
Being born beautiful...
Isn't a criteria for a happy ending...
It's a lot of toil...
The bane of beauty...
With no brains to ascertain...
The rogues in love.
The happiness of an affair...
Is short-lived...
There is no rainbow...
There are no colours...
Just bleak grey clouds...
Reminding her to...
Walk in the rain...
Yet again...
To camouflage the tears...
Streaming down her cheeks.

There is no Cinderella like end...
Just another winding path...
To walk alone.

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