Friday, October 19, 2018

His voice

She craves to hear his voice each day now ...
She waits for him to send an audio...
She dies to hear his words of wisdom...
His Nos ...
The irritation in his voice...
When she eats junk ...
The positive encouragement he gives...
She waits for those words.

There was a time...
She was reluctant to meet him...
Now she counts days, hours, minutes and seconds ...
Just to be seated in front of him...
Speaking non stop...
Not giving him a chance to speak ...
And taking it all out...
To her hearts content...
She's in love ...
Yet again...
Mustn't she be wary?

It must be love ...
For the way she melts on seeing him...
His voice gives her the goosebumps...
She is totally floored...
Enamored by his persona...
She's never met a Doctor like him.

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