Sunday, October 28, 2018

A woman is never untrue!

A woman works from her heart...
Into all her relationships...
All her dealings...
It's the men who wear their hearts on their sleeves...
They have their brains between their legs.

A woman doesn't cheat...
If she seeks justice...
Know it...
In this country...
It is hard to come out ...
For a woman...
About her relationship...
For she will be labeled...
A man just goes about his routine each day ...
Even after committing a heinous Crime...
For he's the most eligible bachelor in town ...
As he calls himself.

These so called...
People that make up our society...
Disown a woman for being truthful...
A man who uses women...
Is referred to as a saint...
No one sees him committing the crime...
He walks away Scot free...
The Woman gets labelled...
If she seeks justice...
She is trolled and shamed...
What kind of society do we live in?
This is not right ...
And, the right kind of woman...
Will fight till the end.

A woman never lies about herself...
Not in public...
She goes public only when...
She's wronged...
A woman is never untrue!

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