Monday, December 22, 2014

The Winter hue of love ...

Love ...
Has many colours ...
Many shades ...
Different shades for different moods ...
But hues of love ...
She is currently in the wintry hue of love ...
Cool ... chilled out ...
Dancing each day to tunes of love Sufi style.

More of a saintly garb ...
No use crying tears ...
When one can share love ...
Each day with a smile.

No more longing for lost love ...
She walks with a spring in her strides ...
Long energetic strides ...
Making music in her thoughts ...
Her smiles ...
Awakening all senses in senseless people ...
People waiting for her smile ...
Each day , the numbers increasing ...
For they say ...
She brings them Luck.

Her Lucky smile ...
All the rosy blush ...
Of the Winter hue ...
She smiles ...
An ear to ear grin ...
Bringing warmth to every heart.

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