Friday, December 19, 2014

Broken crayons...

Crimson, violet and yellow ...
One of the many crayons ...
Broken and used to bits ...
Just pieces lying about...
When gathered together ...
One colour ...
When heated together...
Just one shade ...
Broken crayons still can colour...
Just like that ...
Broken hearts can still beat...
Can still bring out a melody...
Unheard song of pain and tragedy...
Unsung before verses ...
Broken hearts with a crimson hue ...
Of tarnished love ...
Grazed and bruised souls ...
They can still sing a melody...
Unheard before.

The paint on the sheet still wet ...
From tears fallen from eyes so sad...
A trail of death ...
A path of pain ...
Tread upon by so many others.

Yes, broken crayons can still be used...

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