Monday, December 15, 2014

Debauchery thy name is love...

He came I  suddenly ...
Like a wind ...
The symbol of Adultery...
Thesign of debauchery...
Name apt ...
The Symbol ...
The leader that leads to destruction ...
His flock...
The verh symbol ...
The Pratik as the Indians say ...
Of sex and lies ...
Of conniving heidiousness ...
The devil in disguise...
Dressed as a Salesman...
Thedeathless vermin...
Fancying himself as handsome ...
How he survived all these conniving years ...
He is a walking symbol of weakness ...
Festering in the womb of his mother ...
He gained strength ...
To dishonour the family name.

Pure in her love,
She saw him trying to kill her ...
The scum of Earth ...
The Conman ...
Roams free ...
Sleepless devising ways ...
To ensnare another.

His debauchery unadulterated truth ...
To sagisfy his satanic libido.

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