Thursday, December 25, 2014

I can never ...

I can never stop loving you ...
Have always loved you ...
I can't and won't talk to you ever again ...
But, I can write to you here ...
This was and a is a love ...
That transcends every boundary ...
Ranaji ...
Donald Duck ...
None can ever match upto you ...
I love you and will love you till my last breath ...
I avoid you ...
I don't look at you ...
It is my decision to stay away from you ...
But, in my heart and thoughts ...
You are always there ...
Your hPpiness and success ...
Is all that I wanna see ...
For that if I have to kill myself ...
I shall happily do so...
Ypu came back in my life ...
It was divine intervention...
But, to chuck you out of my life ...
Was my decision...
I will love you always ...
I shall worship your image ...
But, I shall never see you again ...
For your happiness is all I seek ...
With me tnere is no life ..
No happiness ...
For I walk alone ...
The path I have chosen ...
The road I made for myself ...
Shall never be tread upon by another. ..
I love you and you shall ...
Remain in this  heart of stone...
Within the frigid rigid walls  ...
As my own.

I love you Ranaji ...

Adieu my love

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