Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Love is a waste of time?

Listening to a popular song ...
Love is a bhaste of  time and ...
I am back into days of yore ...
When I was sixteen ...
We were sixteen ...
And in love ...
Yet all knew , except us ...
He would watch me from his position ...
From the first bench ...
I would hide behind girls ....
On the last bench ...
He a math genius ...
I , a dumb dodo ...
This continued for a year ...
And, then one day I left.

Twenty and eight years later ...
One night at 8 pm ...
When I was drunk in my sorrows ...
I got a call ...
When I was near the Sai Mandir ...
It was him ...
Donald Duck was all came to my mind ...
He was inquiring about admission ...
For his kids in my School ...
I recognised him ...
I don't know how ...
We had never interacted ...
Yet, I recognised his voice and him ...
I believe he was surprised too.

We met ...
His twins got admission ...
In the school I head ....
Then the meetings happened ...
We met ...
Everyday ...
Just a waste of time ...
This love is a waste of time ...
A beautiful waste of time ...
When reality strikes ...
One needs to plug one's emotions ...
I had to stop it...
But, how ...
I had to hurt his feelings ...
Make him hate me ...
I did just that ...
I avoided meeting him ...
Officially and unofficially ...
For I had nothing to lose but ...
He had everything to lose ...
One can't unlove ....
But, yes ...
For one's love ...
One needs to disappear yet again ...
This time a conscious decision ...
And, I became invisible to him ...
Inaccessible to him ...
Made him hate me ...
But, it was needed ...
Coz' Love is a bhaste of tym ...
I love him ....
So, I walked away...
Far away ...
So, the shadow remains ...
The soul has left the building.

Love is a waste of time ...
Humming , am wasting my time ...
My way , in my aloneness ...
Loving him as before ...
From far ... yet so near always ...
For I can't unlove ...
Am made for love ...
But, am also synonymous with sacrifice...
On the altar of love ...
One more love ...
Become a legend ...
A story to talk about  ...
Of love lost and found ...
And, lost again.

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