Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sweating it out ...

Why do we get affected by trivial issues?
Why do we sweat t out ...
Wondering what the World ...
And it's self created society thinks...
About us and our actions?

To hell with rules ...
Rules that make you crib, cry and nag ...
Antagonize and be apprehensive...
Rules that never let you think freely ...
Rules that get you all messed up and sad...
To hell with thoughts ...
That make you worry , what if...
Sweating it out ...
It ain't for the faint hearted to live like a bird ...
Free willed and flying high ...
If you are always thinking ...
What is the society going to say?

To hell with the society ...
The society doesn't feed me ...
Nor does it clothe me ...
The society doesn't pay my bills ...
The society doesn't wipe my tears ...
Sweating it our, thinking about the society ...
No, not for me.

Just because ...

Living in solitude ...
Just because ...
She hasn't found a soul ...
Compatible at her mental level ...
Not a person ...
With whom she can ...
Discuss anything and everything under the sky...
No, no gossip ...
Strong intellect is what she seeks ...
All one finds these days is ...
Corrupt bogus minds...
Interested in their own selfish adornments.

She seeks inner solace ....
By reading up every topic ...
On Science and technology ...
Brain research and Genetics her forte'...
She enacts conversations in her mind ...
Deep thoughtful discussions with Ghosts ...
Created by her ....
Intelligent beings ...
At times it seems she is talking to herself ...
But little do they know...
She speaks to the people she has created  ...
For no living being can match ...
The speed of her thoughts and logic.

To the rest of the world...
It may seem she has gone bonkers ...
But, happy and content is the woman ...
That thinks eons ahead ...
Of the rest of others.

There is so much to explore in space ...
No telescope or spacecraft can go there ...
But, the speed of thoughts can ...'
They take her where no man or craft has gone before ...
The entities they speak to her.

A healthy discussion of ...
What becomes of Earth ?
What becomes of Mankind?
What about relations?
What about feelings?
There is no two ways about it ...
Pros and cons discussed ...
Conclusions drawn and redrawn ...
Even twenty four hours ain't enough.

They say she is lost ...
But, she wanders in space ...
A space she created with her thoughts ...
A space where she converses with like minded people ...
Ghosts for the rest of the mankind ...
But, friends that never let her down...
People who never leave her alone ...
Entities that give her company.

Just because, sh is lost in her thoughts ...
All isn't lost to her ...
She is but a player ...
Wordplay her forte'...
Mind games her exercise ...
Concocting situations ...
For enacting on the stage of life.

The smile becoming her ...
Spring in her gait ...
She moves forth ...
To yet conquer another day ...
Amongst the living ghosts ...
Known as humans.

Just because ...
She has to live another day.

Monday, May 23, 2016

A strong woman never cries ...

The expressions stoic ...
Even if deep within one may be crying ...
A smile for the World to see ...
So much buried deep ...
For the tears are not to be exposed ...
A strong woman never cries ...
Whatever be the level of pain ...
Her aches are not to be exposed ...
A deep breath inhaled ...
A sparkle in the eyes ...
Stifling the tears ...
The aches well covered ...
The bruises hidden ...
The strong woman moves on.

She has no right to cry ...
The wail of pain within ...
A heartache ...
Muffled screams ...
She the strong one moves on.

A strong woman never cries ...
She smiles despite all the travails ...
She journeys through life ...
With a sparkle in her eyes.

Eti kunhi duti paat ...

Listening to music makes up for the peace one seeks ...
Be it any language ...
Music makes my day ...
Best is if it is Bhupen Hazarika's soulful voice ...
Or a Sufi rendition ...
Coke Studio any time ...
Old classics ...
Bistirna  paraare ...
Hahahakar ...
Eti kunhi duti paat ...
Music makes the ache of unfulfilled love fade away ...
The emptiness wiped away with music and lyrics that touch ...
The very core of my heart.

Ganga behti ho kyun ...
Why do I flow ?...
I flow to meet the Ocean ...
To be one with the Ocean ...
Aami ek jajabor ...
Haan awaara hoon ...

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The horoscope ...

Never a believer ...
she woke up up with a jolt ...
The previous days reading ...
It had predicted ...
He who seeks her ...
Will appear in her dream that night.
The one that brightened her dream ...
The poisoned apple ...
The one she swore not to meet again ...
He dominated the flow of her dream.

If horoscopes are true...
Why does he seek her?
They parted ways ...
It was hard to get on with life ...
She did somehow ...
Now, why does he torment her via dreams?

His destiny can't be tied to her...
Or is it?

Time and again they bump into each other ....
Not right...
These dreams ...
These predictions ...
They need to be done away with ...
None should be one's weakness...
None indeed.

The Salesman ...

The public transport system...
Roaming all over...
Finally to park at the depot .

The Eagle hovering above ...
Seeking its prey ...
Finally to take the dead to its nest ...
For his hungry lot.

All with a means ...
A means to torment the weak ...
Finding a prey to prey upon ...
For their own benefits.

Sell , sell yourself...
At any cost ...
So you can make a kill ...
Save on a few bucks here and there ...
Break a few lives ...
And move on.

After all, you are but a salesman...
Selling yourself ...
For your dreams ...
For your sexual gratification.

Nothing but a mere mortal ...
With selfish gains in sight ...
Intent on getting unfulfilled desires ...
Fuelled by passion ....
Spent and over and done with.

You are nothing but a salesman ...
With no morals...
No values ...
But a predator...
That kills.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

The madness ...

The madness that was...
The reckless love ...
Wild untamed passion ...
Unbridled by societal norms ...
A couldn't care attitude ...
Nothing stopping them ...
And then stepped in the villain ...
A conscience ...
Tearing them apart ...
The realization setting them apart ...
Lost to each other ...
Following life blindly ...
Like all others ...
Leading a dull monotonous life ...
Life called by others ...
But death of Love.

The far away call ...

A voice ...
reascending , tearing through the eerie silence of the night ...
A dream or ...
Is it a nightmare ...
A dawn breaks with doubts and a dull ache ...
An ache to know ...through the past ...
What happened ...
A feeling unexplained...
Inexplicable thoughts ...
Meandering through the lanes of the mind ...
Firing neurons to return ...
To an old story kept in wraps ...
Silken creases unfolding ...
The pain from the past ...
Was it needed ...
To traverse the path buried in memories?

The far away call...
Why should it come now?