Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Salesman ...

The public transport system...
Roaming all over...
Finally to park at the depot .

The Eagle hovering above ...
Seeking its prey ...
Finally to take the dead to its nest ...
For his hungry lot.

All with a means ...
A means to torment the weak ...
Finding a prey to prey upon ...
For their own benefits.

Sell , sell yourself...
At any cost ...
So you can make a kill ...
Save on a few bucks here and there ...
Break a few lives ...
And move on.

After all, you are but a salesman...
Selling yourself ...
For your dreams ...
For your sexual gratification.

Nothing but a mere mortal ...
With selfish gains in sight ...
Intent on getting unfulfilled desires ...
Fuelled by passion ....
Spent and over and done with.

You are nothing but a salesman ...
With no morals...
No values ...
But a predator...
That kills.

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