Monday, May 23, 2016

A strong woman never cries ...

The expressions stoic ...
Even if deep within one may be crying ...
A smile for the World to see ...
So much buried deep ...
For the tears are not to be exposed ...
A strong woman never cries ...
Whatever be the level of pain ...
Her aches are not to be exposed ...
A deep breath inhaled ...
A sparkle in the eyes ...
Stifling the tears ...
The aches well covered ...
The bruises hidden ...
The strong woman moves on.

She has no right to cry ...
The wail of pain within ...
A heartache ...
Muffled screams ...
She the strong one moves on.

A strong woman never cries ...
She smiles despite all the travails ...
She journeys through life ...
With a sparkle in her eyes.

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